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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @lindnjean :I love your writing can you do a Scotty one?

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 59k reads on this book ❤️❤️❤️)


"(Y/N), we've noticed that over the last few months your grades have significantly this rate, it is unlikely you will be able to graduate with your class"

"I'm trying...I swear..."

"We know you are...but it's just not enough, which is why we have arranged for you to be tutored by one of your peers"


"Montgomery Scott"

You turned as you heard the door opening and found Scotty walking in, you were so excited to having him as a'd always had a crush on Scotty but you've never told anyone about it.

"Ah Mr Scott, right on time. I presume you know (Y/N)"


"Good, now why don't you two get to studying...don't worry (Y/N), just listen to Montgomery and hopefully you'll make it to graduation"

"Yes sir..."

You stood up and walked out of the office with Scotty close behind you.

"So Lassie, I was thinking maybe we should head tae the'll probably be more convenient to study in"


From that day on, you and Scotty met up every day to study and slowly but surely your grades began to get better and better so that now, you were standing with the rest of your class at graduation. After receiving your diploma, you went and found Scotty talking to Keenser.

"Hi Scotty"

"Oh hello lassie...I see ye made it tae graduation"

"Yeah, I just wanted to say thank you...without you I wouldn't be here...I really appreciate your help"

"It was nothing lass..."

"Well thank you anyway..."

You leaned up and kissed Scotty's cheek. You smiled as he turned slightly red, you then handed him a slip of paper with your number on it.

"Call me...maybe we can go out sometime"

"Sure thing lassie"

"Well, I'll see you around Scotty"

"Yeah, see ya roon (Y/N)"

Maybe the next time you saw him, you could do a different type of studying 😉😉😉.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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