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Here is Part 2 of the previous Chekov imagine, I'm dedicating this to my big sister Gillian cause it's her 22nd birthday today. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 65k reads on this book, it means a lot to me ❤️❤️❤️)


Since Jim and Pavel were busy planning the proposal I made sure to stay out their way, which was actually harder than I thought because, I had finished all the tasks I needed to do and  now had nothing to do but wait until my shift ended, I desperately wanted to go to my quarters but I didn't want to ruin Pavel's plans...he seemed to be putting a lot of effort in this proposal. So since I couldn't go to my room, I opted to go to the medbay and bug Bones for a bit.

After an hour of following Bones around, I could tell he was getting annoyed...but that's probably because I'm very like my brother and everyone knows the relationship those two have...anyway, Leo had gotten so bothered by my constant questions that he ended up calling Pavel to, and I quote 'come and get his crazy girl before a hypo accidentally lands in her neck to knock her out' so most likely out of genuine concern for me safety, Pavel came to the medbay and led me back to our quarters. We held hands all the way and I told him about how Leo had been telling me about medical things. We eventually reached our quarters and Pavel held the door open for me, I walked in and was blown away by the scene set in front of me.

 We eventually reached our quarters and Pavel held the door open for me, I walked in and was blown away by the scene set in front of me

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I was imagining this scene for most of the day but this was just...woah...

"Oh Pavel...this is gorgeous"

"I'm glad you like it...pleaze take a zeat"

Pavel pulled out a chair for me to sit in,
I sat down and he went to the kitchen and brought back to plates of food before sitting down. We both ate and throughout the incredible meal, all I could think about when he would propose and how I needed to look surprised...not that I knew any of this would happen because I eavesdropped.

After dessert I could tell by Pavel movements that he was wonder...he was worried that I'd say no...I'd be scared as well if i was him.

"Pavel...are you ok???"

I place my hand on top of his to try and comfort him in a subtle way, this prompted him to turn to me and I instantly knew what was about to happen...the moment I've been waiting for...

"(Y/N)...we haff been dating for zometime now...and I veel zat you are ze vone I vant to be vith for ze rezt of my that's why I vanted to azk..."

Pavel got off his seat and was now on one knee infront of me.

"(Y/N) are ze mozt intelligent, vonderful voman I haff ewer met...vill you do me ze honour of becoming my vife???"

He reached into his pocket and took out a box, he opened it to reveal a gorgeous ring. Jim was right, I would love it...



"Yes...of course...I love you Pavel"

"I lowve you too"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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