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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @im_a_crazy_dreamer :You should do a Spock one where Spock goes to Kirk for flirting advice cuz he has a crush on shy!Reader, and Kirk gives him horrible pick-up lines to use and Spock uses them, and Reader thinks it's funny and cute

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


Spock walked on to the bridge and over to his station, he sat down and got to work on his tasks. He then noticed the seat beside him becoming occupied and instantly he could feel his heart racing slightly and a green blush faintly appearing on his cheeks.

"Good Morning Mr Spock"

"Good Morning Miss (Y/L/N)"

You had this strange effect of him, every time he was near you he felt this odd sensation within him, he could only describe it as...love. Spock had never really been in love before, the concept was very new to him, all he knew was that he wanted to see if you felt the same towards him but he didn't know how, so, he went to the one person he felt could help...Captain Kirk. After his shift, Spock headed to the Captain's quarters and knocked on the door, the door eventually opened and the captain appeared.

"Oh, Hello Spock...has something happened on the bridge???"

"My visit is of no connection to the ship but in fact one of the crew, specifically Lieutenant (Y/L/N)"

"What about her"

"Well Captain...I have come for advice about how to engage with her...I am under the impression that romantic affairs is your speciality"

"You've come to the right place Spock...come in, let's talk woman"

*time skip because are you kidding me sir*

Spock walked on to the bridge the next morning, prepared to act upon his feelings, oblivious to the fact that the captain had planned to sabotage Spock's chances of being with you by giving him all the pick-up lines Jim had learned, from experience, never to use.

You walked on to the bridge and walked over to you station, you noticed that Mr Spock was already here, you could feel your self blushing, he was so handsome...you suddenly realised the other people around you and quickly ducked you here so no-one could see you blush, that would have been embarassing, you hated the thought of people judging you like that. You quickly got to your seat and sat down you kept your head hung low as you threw yourself into work while trying to convince yourself that no-one was looking at you, no-one had seen you...no need to panic, you were okay.

"Lieutenant, may I have a word"

Oh no...he saw me blushing at him, oh god, he's going to honk I'm a freak. You could feel your cheeks burning.

"Of course Commander"

You stood up and hurried behind Spock to get out of the bridge.


"Yes Spock..."

"Are your legs tired???"


"...Because you've been running through my mind all day"

You couldn't help but giggle at how weird this was coming from Spock, it was like a different side to him.

"That dress looks great on you..."

"Why thank yo..."

"...as a matter of fact, so would I"

Your jaw dropped, this was definitely a different side to Spock...you kind of liked it a bit, he seemed confident.

"Are you ok??? Because heaven's a long fall from here"

Awww...he was so sweet but, you had to make him stop so you built up all the courage in your you and gave Spock a quick kiss on the lips...that shut him up. You both instantly blushed, and you looked at the ground as it was suddenly very interesting. You then felt Spock's hand lifting your face to look at him, your face started turning redder than it had ever been before.

"Are you from Tennessee??? Cause your the only ten I see"

He then pulled your lips onto his and he kissed you with passion, this was was definitely a new experience for both of you, you were never usually this out going. The kiss eventually broke and you awkwardly help Spock's hand in your own...you both blushed again.



"Please stop with the pick up lines..."

"If that is what you wish then, of course"

"Where did you even learn them???"

"From the Captain"

"Some how, I'm not surprised...well they worked anyway, I suppose"

"So does this mean we are an item, as the captain described"

"It does indeed...I think we should get back to work but, we'll meet up after our shift if you want to"

"That sounds like a logical idea"

The two of you walked back on to the bridge hand in hand over to your station and got back to work. Meanwhile Jim sat shocked in his chair...when he used those pick-up lines, girls threw drinks in his face...how could a Vulcan get a girl with them???


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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