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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S - thank you so much for over 6k reads on this book ❤️)

On your first day in the medbay you had been warned about Bones, he was described as a grumpy doctor who wasn't a people person. You were told to stay out of his way because he wouldn't think twice about shouting at you. You were worried about how scary this man possibly could be. You had walked into medbay for your first shift to find it completely empty except for a man who appeared to be checking supplies. Since you were a friendly person you didn't hesitate to go up to the man and say hi.

"Hi there, I'm (Y/N)"


he didnt look at you when he spoke he just continued his checks, you felt this was quite rude but didnt think much of it, you decided to continue talking to the man to try and make a friend.

" you have a name???"

"Listen kid, ive got a job to do, i dont have time to talk"

"Well maybe i can help you so we can talk"


The man sent your PADD a copy of the checklist, you looked ou the list and checked the supplies. In no time at all the task was completed, a few nurses had came in and a few patients had visited but apart from that it was relatively quite. You turned to the man and noticed he'd started walking away from you, you quickly caught up with him.

"Hey, I thought we where gonna talk"

"I'm not in the mood"

"Well that's exactly why we should talk"

He groaned in annoyance before turning to you.

"Well go ahead then"

"Ok...what's your name???"

"Leonard McCoy, is that all???"

"Nope...what's it like working in the medbay"

"It can get stressful but most of the time it's bearable"

"Who's this Bones guy everyone keeps talking about??? Apparently he's gets really angry and grumpy"

"That would be me"


"Yeah, oh"

He started to walk to his office, you followed him.

"Why are you so grumpy???"

"You really like asking questions don't you"

"I just want to get to know you that's all"

From that moment on words you got to know Bones and in the end you became best of friends. His grumpy attitude didn't bother you and 9 times out of 10, you managed to get him out of his moods, since you arrived the medbay staff have been less judgemental about bones and seem him for the kind hearted teddy bear he is.

*time skip because I can do zat*

You skipped happily into the medbay, you headed over to bones office to ask him if he needed any help when you heard talking, you walked closer to the door and managed to make out that it was Kirk and Bones talking to each other.

"Have you asked her???"

"No I haven't asked her...I can't ask her, she'd never take me"

"Well you won't know if you don't try"

"I can't ruin the relationship we already have, if I ask her and she says no, it'd be to weird to be around her"

Was he talking about a girl??? He hadn't mentioned one??? You felt a pain inside of you, hearing him talk about a girl that he obviously soon realised, you were jealous.

You'd never really considered a relationship with bones but you didn't reject the idea completely, Leonard was a good looking guy and you cared for him deeply but if he was in love with someone else you wouldn't know how to deal with that. You knocked on the door to bones office and the talking stopped.

"Come in...oh, hi (Y/N)"

"Hi Leo, I was just wondering if you needed help with anything"

"Actually bones has something he wants to ask you...ill just leave you two to it"

Kirk walked out and you turned to bones.

"Take a seat"

You sat in the chair opposite to bones.

"Listen (Y/N), there is something I have been meaning to ask you for a while now and I just haven't had the courage"

"Go ahead"

"(Y/N), you get me...when I'm with you, something inside me clicks, you make me a better person and I love how happy you make me feel...the truth is...I wanted to know if...if you'd consider being my girlfriend"

You were a bit shocked, he'd been talking about you...

"I...i uhh..."

"I understand if you don't want to, and I hope this doesn't affect our friendship because I value that more tha..."

"Would you be quite and let me answer...Leo, I'd love to be your girlfriend"



A smile spread across Leonard's face, he stood up and walked round his desk towards you meanwhile you stood up then without warning you felt bones lips on yours, the kiss felt wonderful. Your hands went to bones hair while his hands went to your hips, you stayed like this until you needed to breath again.

"I love you (Y/N)"

"I love you too"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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