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Here's another imagine, I'm dedicating this one to my Papa cause it's his 73rd Birthday today. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 61k reads on this book, it means so much to me ❤❤❤)


*Bones POV*

Ask any parent what their happiest memory is, and they'll most likely say the day their child was born...that's what my answer would have been as well, but now I think my answers different. You see, my daughters all grown up...I've watched here grow up, go through all the phases...I've seen her get her heart broken and I've seen her meet the love of her life...I've seen her graduate and move out...I've seen her get married, live a happy life...and now, I've seen her become a mother...

I had gotten a panicked phone call from my son-in-law saying Joanna had gone into labour and I instantly drove to the hospital...when I arrived I was told that she'd given birth...I walked in and saw my little girl, all grown up with her little first grandchild.

"Hey Dad, you made it..."

"I would miss this for the world..."

"I thought not...anyway, I'd like you to meet (Y/N)"

"Oh Jo, I'm so proud of you...she's beautiful..."

"Do you wanna hold???"

"Can I???"

"Of course dad..."

I took her in my arms and looked into her (Y/E/C) eyes...she looked so much like her mother...I knew in that moment that, yes, one of the greatest moments of my life was when my little Joanna was born but without a doubt...the overall greatest moment, was right know...knowing that this little girl, was from my little girl. There is nothing more special for a parent to see than to see their children become parents...I knew Jo would be an amazing mother and that (Y/N) would grow up to be a wonderful young woman.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~ Clo X

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