Kirk (Part 2)

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Here is Part 2 of the previous Kirk imagine as requested by @libbiliboo and Lembas_eating_valar. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 52k reads on this book ❤️❤️❤️)


I'd done it...I'd ran away. I didn't quite believe that I'd went through with it, and I think deep down, Jim was surprised I'd gone through with it as well...but it was for the best, this way I can live my life and my parents can get on with theirs, everyone's happy. It had taken a few days but eventually we reached Bones house, he lived alone so didn't have a problem with us being their, he actually seemed happy to finally have someone to talk to. After about a week of staying here, I could really feel myself settling in. Bones lived on a farm and normally I'd be terrified of getting mucky or being near animals but here, I feel at home...I go out and I help with the pigs, cows, horses, you name it. It's as if here, I can truly be myself.

I didn't contact my parents and they didn't make any attempt to find kind of hurt to think they didn't care but then again, maybe they did...they just knew they'd not be able to change my mind so just let me be. I miss my parents, but here I have my new best friend Bones, and my loving boyfriend Jim...I couldn't ask for more.



"You know I love you right???"

"I love you too baby always will"

"You don't regret doing this, do you???"

"Not at all, do you???"

", I have you...and that's all the family I need"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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