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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @AliceItim :Could you do an imagine that the reader and Chekov watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic together? Thanks so much! :3
Sorry if the request is too short

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


You just finished a hard day and was now heading to your quarters to cuddle Pavel. You got to the door and was about to type the passcode in when you heard what sounded like quietly opened the door and the singing became more clear. You walked down the hall to find an adorable Chekov singing and dancing in the kitchen, you watched him, you felt so lucky to have him in your life. One thing you did notice was the song was very famil...oh my god...Pavel likes My Little Pony too!!! He has got to be the best boyfriend ever.

"...A beautivul heart

Vaithvul and strong

Sharing kindnezz..."

"Well...someone's a Bronie"

"Oh...uh...(Y/N)...I didn't zee you much of zat did you hear???"


"Oh no..."

"Enough to know that I have finally found someone to watch my favourite show with!!!"

"Vait a like my little pony too???"

"Yes!!!...I would of told you but I thought you might think I was childish"

"I zot zat you vould zink I was veird if I zaid zat I liked ze show"

"Pavel...I always think your weird"


"What?! It's one of the many reasons why I love you"

"Aww...I lowve you too"

You and Pavel hugged each other for a moment and then an idea popped into your head.



"Why don't we watch a few episodes"

"I zink zat's a vonderful idea"

So you and Pavel sat on the couch, cuddled up together while watching a few episodes of my little pony. It was nice to know someone else liked it and that now you wouldn't have to hide your passion for it. It was really fun to have someone to sing with and quote 'Dear Princess Celestia...'. After watching a few episodes you turned to Pavel and together got to know each other's favourite parts of the show.

"So...who's you favourite pony out of the main six???"

"Hmm...I would haff to zay tvilight, I feel zat me and her haff a lot in common"

"Makes sense"

"Zo who'z yourz???"


"Vhy'z zat???"

"Well like you are with twilight...I feel that me and Fluttershy are similar...we both love animals, we both fly, though in different ways and we are both shy"

"Your not zat shy..."

"Well I'm not as bad as I was as a child...I used to not want to talk to people and hide away, but then I met you, and you helped me be more confident.

"Vell I'm glad I could help you zmile..."

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking???"

"I zink zo..."

Then you both burst out into singing the smile was so fun to be able to share this moment with you'd had a really hard day at work but now you felt a lot better because friendship IS magic...and Pavel is incredible.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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