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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


You were currently sitting on the end of the bath tub waiting. Waiting for the little white stick in your hand to determine your fate...A few days ago you had noticed your period was late, you thought nothing of it at first but after a couple of days you started to worry if you could be pregnant. You tried to convince yourself it wasn't possible, you and Chekov were only 17, you had only had sex once, and you used had then realised you had in fact not used protection, neither you or Pavel had the courage to go see Bones about getting condoms so you both agreed, surely you couldn't get pregnant on your first checked the stick and sure enough, there was a little cross, you were pregnant. How were you gonna tell Pavel??? You were both so young, you debated whether or not to get an abortion but you couldn't bring yourself to end an innocent life, so you'd just have to tell the truth and hope Chekov would accept your decision. You waited on your bed for Chekov's shift to end. When he entered the room you ran up to him and hugged him, that's when the tears started to fall from your eyes.

"Hey, hey, (Y/N), vhats wrong??? Are you hurt??? Did someone upzet you??? Pleaze speak to me."

He lead you over to the bed and you both sat down. You simply handed him the pregnancy test and continued to cry. Pavel looked down at the test and was speechless when he saw the cross, he then proceeded to smile, he looked at you and wiped the tears from you eyes.

"Iz this vay your crying???"

You nodded.

"(Y/N), this iz vonderful news, ve are going to be parents!!!"

You were shock about how happy Pavel was about this, you thought he would leave you and you'd be a single teen mum, forced to juggle work and a child. Chekov hugged you tight.

"I'll admit ve are a bit young but ve'll make it work through zis togezer, I promize"

*time skip brought to you by the green blooded hob-goblin*

9 months later and Chekov is running through the halls of the enterprise telling people to move, he was on the bridge when he'd gotten a call from Bones telling him to get to medbay quick, so now he was running as fast as he could. When he arrived he was lead by nurse to the room you were in you were crying and in pain, Pavel instantly ran and kissed your head, he then took your hand in his as Bones told you both it was time to push, you pushed with all the energy you had but you had to stop, you cried at the fact you didn't have the strength to push anymore.

"P...P...Pavel, I can't it."

"Yez you can (Y/N), just zink soon you'll be holding our baby, but first you gotta push one more time ok, just one more time"

Pavel wrapped one of his arms around you while still holding your hand in the other. You kept in your mind that you just had to push one more time and soon you'd get to meet you baby, and with that thought you used all the strength you had and soon you heard your baby crying, you'd done it...

Bones placed the baby on you chest and announced it was a and Pavel looked at you baby girl, together you had brought this gorgeous little baby into the world. A nurse then took her away to get cleaned up meanwhile you also got cleaned up. After you were sorted Pavel hugged you, the nurse then returned with your daughter and handed her to you.

"Vhat are ve gonna call her???"

You stared into your daughters eyes and thought about what to name her.

"Amelia (Y/N) Chekov...what do you think???"

"It'z a beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

Chekov kissed the top of you head, you handed Amelia to her dad, Pavel holding your daughter was amazing to see, over the past 9 months you had both matured so much. You knew he would be a wonderful dad and you hoped you could be a good mum to Amelia. Bones brought in Sulu, Uhura, Spock, Scotty and Kirk to meet your daughter. Pavel handed Amelia to Uhura to hold, she kept saying how adorable she was, the best part was when Uhura said she wanted one and everyone stared at Spock as his eyes widened and you could see his cheeks turning green, it was hilarious. Everyone loved your baby girl and you could tell she was going to grow up in a loving family on the enterprise and it was a relief to know your friends would make sure no one ever hurt her. Your family was complete and you couldn't be happier.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo x

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