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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @JessicaHarris924: Could you do one on Scotty please, I understand if won't, but I just thought it was worth a try.

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. thank you so much for over 17k reads on this book ❤️ You guys are amazing 😊😊😊)

The warpcore was misaligned and if it didn't get fixed soon the ship would fall to the earth and potentially kill everyone aboard, your crew was your couldn't let them die. Scotty had warned you not to go in the chamber but you being you, you didn't listen. You knocked Scotty out before climbing in the chamber to fix the core.

The closer to the damaged part you got, the weaker you became but you couldn't stop now, you were so close. One you reached the misaligned core you kicked with all your energy, this was your only hope in saving your family. As you got weaker, you feared that you had failed everyone but then with one final push, the core burst into action and in the process sent you flying across the compartment. You crawled back the way you came and sealed off the core, you could feel your life escaping you. When you stopped outside the final door, you saw Scotty with tears in his eyes, looking down at you. He crouched down to your level and placed his hand on the glass, you did the same.

"Why would yae do that lass?!"

"I...I...had to save my family..."

"But surely no at the expense of yer ain life"

"It was t...the only way"

"But...(Y/N)...I need yae alive...I cannae gin on wi out ye"

"You'll find another"

"But no one that I'm in love wi"

" love"

"Of carse I dae...your beautiful, smart, great banter and I love ye mare than ye ken lassie"

"I...I love you too Scotty"

"Ye hae no idea how long I have wanted the hear you say that"

"I...I just wish we had more time together"

"Me tae lass"



"I'm scared"

"Of (Y/N)..."

You both ended up crying meanwhile Uhura, Spock and Jim watched on as your body became lifeless.

*time skip, beam me up Scotty*

"...your beautiful, smart, great banter and I love ye mare than ye ken lassie..."

"...I need yae alive...I cannae gin on wi out ye..."

"Why would yae do that lass?!"

Your last few memory's played through your head, over and over again...was this what death was??? A constant reminder of what you have lost??? The thoughts about what could have been but never will??? You'd heard people say how death was supposed to be peaceful but if all it meant was you being tortured with the idea of never being with Scotty, then it wasn't peaceful at all. All you could think about was how you'd never kiss Scotty, you'd never go on a date together, you'd never get engaged or married or have kids, you wouldn't grow old just wished you'd had more time to be alive.

"I think she's coming round...Scotty get in here, she waking up"

What the...???

The next thing you knew, your eyes were looked around and saw Bones standing beside you.

"Hey there sleepy head"

"W...what happened...I thought I was..."

"...dead???...yeah, so did we but I discovered that khans super blood had some sort of healing had a blood transfusion and, here you are"

"Hold, I was dead but now I alive???...that's kind of hard to process"

"Her telling me lass"

You turned to the voice you'd longed to hear again, there he hadn't lost him.


Scotty walked over to you and you hugged each other tightly.

"I'll leave you two to it"

Bones left, meanwhile you pulled out of the hug and put you hands on Scotty's cheeks and stared into his eyes. You then did what you'd wanted to do since saying I love you, you pulled Scotty's lips to yours and shared a passionate kiss. You never wanted this moment to end.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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