Chekov (Part 2)

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Here's Part 2 of the previous Chekov imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


I woke to the sound of someone banging on the door. I got up and looked through the peep hole it was Pavel.

"What do you want???"

"(Y/N), pleaze open ze door...I need to explain...pleaze, just let me in."

I thought about it for a moment, it couldn't hurt to here him out of, but I don't know if I could handle it. I opened the door and before I knew it, Pavel was hugging me.

"I'm zo zorry (Y/N)...I've been an idiot, I love you...I just thought you didn't feel ze zame vay about me."

He started to cry and I did too...I hugged him tighter. We pulled away from each other and Pavel took my hands in his.

"Nozing happened betveen me and Hailey, I svear...I thought zat if I vas vith somevone else zen I could get ower my feelingz for you but I couldn't do it...I loved you to much...please tell me I haven't ruined my chances..."

I could see in his eyes he wasn't making it up...tears were threatening to fall from his eyes, he obviously cared. I let go of his hands and placed my hands on his cheeks, I pulled his lips onto mine. Chekov kissed me back, it was perfect. We broke apart.

"I love you (Y/N)."

"I love you too Pavel."


Hope you liked it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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