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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 70k reads on this book, it means a lot to me ❤️❤️❤️)


"Yours to (Y/N)?!..."


"Oh you've got it bad sweetie"

"Got what bad??? What you on about now???"

"I know you thinking about Kirk..."

"Wha...What?! just the hell did you find that out?!"

"I've seen it before...the staring into space, imagining what he'd be like..."


"Shut up...anyway, why are you not dating Kirk??? You'd be perfect for one another..."

"He's was out of my league and besides, there's no way he'd even look at me in anyway other than a friend..."

"Don't be so hard on yourself, you are gorgeous...and Kirk will have hit the lottery if he dates you..."

"Your just saying that..."

"No I'm not...I mean it, why haven't you made a move on Jim???"

"Cause I can't...every time I'm near him I get butterflies in my stomach and my speech goes all weird and I can't bring myself to talk to him..."

"Well why don't you write down what you wanna say and that way you'll be prepared and maybe you won't get so nervous about it..."

"I'm not doing that..."

"Why not???"

"Cause it's weird..."

"Oh quit your get typing..."

And so that what I did...i typed a whole letter explaining to Jim that I was madly in love with him and that I dreamed about what our lives would be was weird but, it actually felt good to write down my feelings for once...when I was done I handed it to Uhura for her to read it.

" really care for him don...uh oh..."

"What do you mean, uh oh..."

"Well I may or may not have just accidentally sent your letter to the man your crazy about..."

"You didn't...UHURA!!!"

"I'm so sorry...I was scrolling down and then it came up with sending..."

"What am I gonna do?! He's gonna read it...he's gonna think I'm life is officially over..."

"Maybe not...what if we get to it before he does..."

"That's brilliant...we could delete the message and he would be none the wiser..."

"Well come on...what you waiting for, let's go delete your letter..."

On that note, we both practically ran out the door to go find kirk...I could only hoped he'd not get the letter first...


There will be a Part 2 for this one. Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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