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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @im_a_crazy_dreamer :I just thought of a funny one....a Spock x reader where Spock and the reader have a crush on each other, and in a medbay accident, the reader gets turned into a Tribble

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


*Spock's POV*

I had always thought I understood why my father married my mother. My father once admitted to me that he entered a marriage to my mother, not as research as many presumed but for the simple fact of love. Many a time the idea of love had entered my thought but it was not until meeting Ensign (Y/L/N) that I truly understood the meaning of the word. Every encounter with (Y/N), I could feel a new set of emotions that I did not wish to suppress, I found myself falling for the human girl and found myself wanting to express my feelings with the ensign.

One afternoon I found myself outside of (Y/N)'s quarters, debating on whether to tell her how I felt or leave such ideas for another day but due to taking to long deliberating, I found myself out of time because (Y/N) had in fact decided to leave her room and discover me standing on the other side of the threshold. Unable to contain my feelings after seeing her beautiful features once more, I told her how I felt and to my surprise she expressed the same feeling towards me and so, we started 'dating' as you might call it. Since that day, our relationship developed, both personally and professionally. I found myself enjoying (Y/N)'s company, she brought out the best in me and when we were together, it felt like the most logical situation.

(Y/N) and I both being science officers were tasked with studying an ancient machine, its origin was unknown but it was very intriguing. It appeared to be some sort of medical device, and so, to discover its true purpose, we set about fixing the machine to make it operational and it appeared to work. The machine was stored in the medbay as Dr McCoy expressed an interest in using it as part of his daily work.

Dr McCoy had decided he wanted to test out the machine on a tribble, in order to test the healing capabilities, (Y/N) had volunteered to assist the Doctor in his experiment. I would had put myself forward had i not have been required to attend a meeting with the captain that evening. After the meeting was complete I headed to the medbay in order to check on how the machine was working as well as collect (Y/N) because we had planned to celebrate our relationship having lasted for the past 6 months, although I found the celebration illogical, I agreed as it appeared to make (Y/N) happy, and that was all I wished to accomplish.

"Ah Doctor, I presume the testing went well..."

"Uhh...not exactly...Spock, I'm not sure how to tell you this..."

"Tell me what Doctor???"

"Well, ya see...we tried to revive the tribble as planned but, it appears that the machine needs a sacrifice, if you will."

"Are you saying you wish to receive some sacrifices in order to test the machines capabilities???"

"Not exactly...you see...the only reason I know the machine needs a sacrifice is well...(Y/N)...uhhh...ya see Spock, she was closest to machine and well...when we activated it sort of...Uhh...it's better if you see it yourself..."

The Doctor lead me over to the machine were I found my beloved (Y/N) passed out the ground meanwhile a tribble lies breathing on the table.

"Is she dead..."

"No, I'm not dead Spock"

I looked at her body, it wasn't moving...I concluded I must be hearing things due to the trauma of losing a loved one...

"Over here Spock..."

I turned to where her voice was coming from but found myself staring at the tribble and then I realised what had happened.

"(Y/N)...your a...a..."

"...tribble I know, I need help...can we fix this???"

"I am unsure as to whether or not it would be possible...what do you conclude Doctor???"

"Well...it maybe possible to reverse to machine but that could take days, months, maybe even years...this technology is unlike anything I have ever seen"

"But I cant stay like this...I can't be a tribble for the rest of my life"

"Don't worry (Y/N), I am sure I Dr McCoy and I work together, we will be able to fix your dilemma...in the meantime however, I feel it only right that I take care of you until we can change you back"

"Spock, I think we should put her human body into kryo freeze just in case..."

"I'm still here you know..."

"We just need to think practically about this (Y/N)...until we find a cure, it is best your body be frozen as so it doesn't decay or such like"

"Cause that's gonna make the poor girl feel better about the situation..."

"I hate being a tribble...I hate you Bones"

"What did I do...it was you two that decided to fix the dam thing...if your gonna blame someone, blame the hob goblin"

*Your POV*

Being a tribble sucks...but one good thing is, at least Spock was being a nice boyfriend in offering to look after you...you just hoped it wouldn't be for to long...


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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