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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


We all know that away missions can be unpredictable, now usually it's just a redshirt of two gets killed and we get a few scratches and bruises, no big deal...but this time, something was different. I had sensed that something wasn't right since I woke up this morning, I don't know how to explain it but I just had a feeling something bad would happen. After that I was told that I was part of the away team and I was apprehensive especially since something felt off but I couldn't go against orders so I was beamed to the surface of the planet along with the rest of the team which included Kirk, Spock, Bones and a few redshirts.

The area we were beamed to gave me the creeps, it was some sort of abandoned village, the house like structure where torn apart and ruined, everyone else in the team seemed to be wondering what type of life had been on this planet, while I was more concerned as to why they weren't here...a village is usually abandoned for a reason, and I had a feeling we were going to encounter this reason very soon...this must have been what I was concerned about this morning...


The whole team stopped the research they were doing and looked towards the voice...our eyes were met by some sort of lizard, ape creature and what looked like an army.

"My name is James Tiberius Kirk, I am the Captain of the USS Enterprise..."


"We have come to observe any life that has taken residence on this planet..."


"Woah, let's not get drastic...we'll leave you and your people in peace...*opens communicator* Beam us up Scotty"

"Captain, I feel that it is wise to continue our observations in order to create a better understanding of this planet and its inhabitance"

"Spock, not now...I'd like to live and see another day"


"Don't wor...woah, put her down"

By this point, the captain and the rest of the crew had turned to find me being lifted off the ground by one of the creatures, you maybe wondering why I hadn't screamed before this, well I couldn''s kind of hard to scream when your mouth is being covered by a giant lizard hand thing, I couldn't breath let alone scream...

"God dammit Jim, I told you to leave her out of this, you know I didn't want anything to happen to her"

"Bones, calm down...she will be fine just stay calm..."

"Calm!!! How the hell am I suppose to stay calm when my girlfriend is being suffocated by a beast"

"Girlfriend??? I didn't know you two where..."

"That's not the main point Jim..."


"We will but we kind of need the girl back..."


At this point I could feel myself slipping out of consciousness...i tried my hardest to stay awake but it was almost impossible...

*timeskip brought to you by a neutral representative of the fibonan republic*

"Dammit Jim I swear to god if she doesn't wake up am gonna..."


"(Y/N), your ok...oh thank god"

"What happened...where are we???"

"Well thanks to Mr Perfect Hair, we have been taken hostage by this weird race...we're trying to contact the Enterprise but the signal keeps dropping we're stuck her till someone comes and get us"

"Someone will come and get us...right???"

"I hope so Darlin'...I really hope so"


There will probably be a Part 2 to this. Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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