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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


Today both you and Chekov were on shore leave so since you were near earth you decided to visit his hometown in Russia. When you got there you loved seeing how happy Pavel was to be home. The two of you visited his Parents, you had previously met them and as usual p, they were the nicest, most welcoming people you'd ever met. Pavel's mum ended up cooking an amazing lunch and the four of you caught up of how life had been treating you all since your last visit.

After lunch, you and Pavel said goodbye to his wished you didn't have to leave them but Pavel had said he wanted to show you somewhere so you had to go. You and Pavel walked hand in hand through the streets and into town, you had no clue where you were being taken but that didn't bother you because you trust Pavel, and you knew he wouldn't of suggested something if he thought you wouldn't like it. When you eventually stopped walking, you were in front of an ice rink.

"Are we going ice skating???"



"Vhat's wrong???"

"Uhh...well...I dunno how to skate..."

"Oh...vell zatz fine...I'll just haff to teach you"


You both walked over to the counter and collected some skates before sitting down and putting them on. You could tell Pavel had done this before because he was ready in a flash, you on the other hand took a bit had gotten your feet in the skates now all you had to do was figure out how the laces would tie properly. Which seems simple enough but for some reason you couldn't figure it out. After a few moments of struggling Pavel eventually stepped in.

"Here, let me help you"

Within seconds your skates were tied.

"W...what??? do you that???"

"Juzt practize princezz..."

You stood up, it felt weird to stand up in skates...Pavel then started walking over to the ice and so, you followed, or at tried to follow. You just took one step and you were wobbling like crazy, until you eventually fell on you butt. Both you and Pavel laughed about it before he came and helped you up and helped you over to the ice.

"Your not even on ze ize and you are already falling ower..."

Pavel took a step on to the ice and held on to you as you did the same. At first you were wobblinga bit but eventually you managed to balance yourself before Pavel started to pull you along as he skated around the rink. You started to freak out a bit but eventually you realised, skating wasn't that even started to enjoy it...till you fell over again.

"Oh my...(Y/N), you okay???"

"I'm good..."

"You don't sound it..."

"I'm fine...just hurt when I fell"

"You can't to go again???"

"Why not..."

Pavel helped you back up and once again guided you round the rink, after a while of going round, you gained more and more confidence and eventually you were able to let go of Pavel and skate all by yourself.

"Pavel...look...I'm skating!!!"

"Vell done princess..."

You skated over to Pavel and instantly hugged him.

"Thank you for bringing me here...I've had so much fun"

"It'z nize to see you zo happy...we should do ziz more often"

"We should..."

You then kissed Pavel, he returned the kiss and even deepened it. The kiss eventually came to an end after you and Pavel lost your balance and you ended up lying on top of him on the ice. The two of you laughed it off before staring deep into one another's eyes.

"I love you Pavel"

"I love you too (Y/N)"

You then returned to the passionate kiss...not caring about who saw, the only person you cared about Pavel...and he only cared about was a wonderful moment.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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