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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. thank you so much for over 23k reads on this book ❤️️❤️️❤️️ you guys are amazing 😊😊😊)

"Hey Lass, can ya gimme a hand..."

"Sure thing Scotty"

You walked over to Scotty who was working on a hot water pipe, it had burst when the ship had been under attack so now since the ship was stable, it was the perfect chance to fix it before it flooded the whole compartment.

"What do you need me to do???"

"Put yer hand on that don't  move, just stay right were ye are"


You held the valve and kept as steady as possible while Scotty worked on sealing the pipe. Everything was going well until the ship rocked abruptly and your hand slipped from the valve, burning hot water came bursting from the partially repaired pipe and unfortunately landed on your right side of your body...the pain was excruciating. Your whole left side felt like it was on fire, you dropped to the floor and cried out. Scotty had only burnt his left hand and lower arm, he was still in pain but not as bad as you, so he managed to get his communicator out and call medical...before the medical team had reached you, you pasted out from the pain. When you woke up, you were met by blinding white lights, when your eyes eventually adjusted, you could see you were in the Medbay.

"(Y/N)!!! Your awake, oh thank god..."

You felt someone grab your good hand and turned to see your boyfriend of 2 years, Jim. He looked like he hadn't slept in a week, his eyes looked red and puffy as if he'd only just stopped broke your heart to see him so broken.

"How long was I out???"

"About 3 days...The doctors said your body shut down after the trauma of your accident...they didn't know if you'd ever wake up...I was so scared I'd lost you"

You could see tears form in his eyes. He gripped your hand tighter, he really cared about you.

"Hey, I'm not going anywhere...your going to have to put up with me for a while longer"

"I love much (Y/N), I really mean that"

"I know you do...and I love you too"

"I hate seeing you hurt (Y/N)...knowing that your in engineering, where anything could happen, terrifies there not a safer job you want to do??? I can transfer you to any department you want...I just need to know your safe"

"Jim, engineering is what I love to do...I'm good at it. I knew the risks when I trained for it and I'm fully aware of the risks engineering accidents happen, accidents that no-one can control. I'm staying in engineering...Scotty is there to look after me if that makes you feel any better"

"It was worth a shot...Anyway if you won't do that then can you do something else for me???"

"Do what???"

"Marry me..."

Jim then opened a box he'd taken from his pocket and revealed a gorgeous ring...

Jim then opened a box he'd taken from his pocket and revealed a gorgeous ring

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Jim placed the ring on your finger before kissing you, careful not to hurt your burned side.

"I can't wait to spend the rest on my life with you (Y/N)"

"You and me...forever"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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