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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


Being the captains girlfriend can be hard, he always seems to be working and you barely get to spend time with him, so when you do you make the most of it. Currently you have both just finished your shifts and neither of you have anymore shifts until tomorrow morning so you head to Kirks room, while holding hands.

"So I was thinking that when we get to your room we could finish watching that old TV series, Doctor Who...whatcha think???"

"That sounds perfect."

Kirk kissed the top of your head and then you arrived at his door. He typed in the code and you entered his room, he headed to the food replicator to get snacks while you connected you PADD to the screen and found your show. Both you and Kirk cuddled on the couch while watching the doctor go through another marvellous adventure. After watching 8 episodes you and Jim decided it was time to go to bed. You didn't want to walk all the way to your own room so you just stayed in Jim's room. You took off your uniform and put one of Jim's t-shirts on, meanwhile Kirk just put on took his uniform off and slept in his underwear. You both got into bed you were facing away from Jim so he just put his arms around you and pulled you close to him.

"You know I really love you right???"

"Jim, I know you do...but not as much as I love you."

"Hey, that rhymed."

You both giggled. Having Jim's arms around you made you feel safe, usually you find it quiet hard to go to sleep due to stress and anxiety, so did Jim for that matter, but when you were embracing each other your worries disappeared and soon both of you drifted into a deep sleep.


It was a bit short but I hope you liked it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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