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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


" to the bridge in 10 minutes."

"Yes Captain"

You shut your communicator off and started to get ready. When you finished getting ready you felt someone wrap their arms around your waist. You turned around to find your boyfriend, Peter.


"Morning...your up early, I thought your shift didn't start for at least half an hour???"

"It doesn't but the captain wants me to go to the bridge so i gotta go"

"Okay..,well I'll see you later"

"See you then"

You quickly kissed Peter before you headed out the door and towards the bridge. When you entered the bridge you walked over to the captain to see what he needed.

"What can I do you captain???"

"Ah (Y/N), thank god your here...Mr Sulu is ill and so are my replacement pilots, I read your file and your the only other person on board who is fully qualified to fly this thing so your my new pilot till Sulu is recovered."

"No problem sir, I'll just go get changed and I'll be right back"

You ran back to your room and changed from your usual blue dress to a gold one, you noticed that Peter wasn't here, he must have gone to work early...once you were changed you headed back to the bridge and took a seat at your new station and got to work.

"Hello zere"

You jumped slightly at the sudden voice, you looked to your right to find the guy who had just spoke to you.


"I'm Pavel, I'm ze nawigator for ze ship"

"I'm (Y/N), usually in a nurse but today I'm the pilot"

"It'z lowely to meet you (Y/N)...Zis may seem rude of me to ask but vhy is a nurze trained alzo az a pilot???"

"As a child I always wanted to help people, it was my dream to become a nurse but my father wanted me to be a pilot like he was. I didn't want to follow in his footsteps but he insisted so the compromise was that I train as both a nurse and a pilot, it comes in very handy for situations like this"

"Makes senze"

You and Pavel worked together to fly the ship in the direction of a planet the federation wanted explored, the planet was at least two hours away even at light speed so until then you and Pavel had nothing to do but wait.

"I'm going to head to ze cafeteria, care to join me???"

"Sure, why not"

You and Pavel walked to the cafeteria, go both got some food at the replicator before sitting at a table together. You got to know Pavel and he got to know you. You learned that he was from Russia and that you were both 21. You liked talking to Pavel, it was easy to talk to him. He seemed to understand you better than others, it was probably the age thing, the two of you just seemed to relate to one another better. Peter was 9 years older than you and although you loved him like crazy, you couldn't help but feel that sometimes instead of talking to you, he would talk down to you because he was older. Pavel didn't do that though, he valued your opinion and listened to you more, it was nice to have a new friend like Pavel.

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