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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @thehobbitnerd :Please do a Spock one?!!!🖖

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


"(Y/N), I must say, I thought you would have been more understanding of my decision"

"More understanding?! You want me to be more understanding of the fact you want to leave me in order to increase the Vulcan population!!! How the hell did your apparently, intelligent brain come up with that theory..."

"You have always been supportive of my involvement with the rebuilding of the Vulcan race..."

"Yeah, when it was to help with research and things like that...not going and sleeping with other vulcans to have children..."

"(Y/N), please share your distress with me, I hate to see you so upset"

"What do you think I have been doing for the passed half an hour, discussing the weather with you?!...Spock, I love you...and I thought you loved me too"

"I do...I have always shown my affection towards you"

"Well it obviously doesn't mean that much to you if you'll happily dump me...nice to know where I stand in your life...goodbye Spock"

You then walked away from Spock, when you got far enough away you could feel the tears start to fall...did you really mean that little to him...had the past few years Kent nothing...everything the two of you had been through, the danger you'd been through together...was it all just a waste of time for Spock...

You had managed to cry your way to your quarters so you went in and put a onesie and cuddled on the couch while eating ice cream and watching some Doctor Who in order to take your mind off your chaotic life. After watching so many episodes that you had lost count you still hadn't managed to stop thinking about Spock and how much he had hurt you...you truly loved Spock, you could picture a future together...you always imagined you and Spock getting married and having children together, moving to the countryside to watch your children grow up while together you and Spock would grow old and live a happy fulfilling life together...but now it was unlikely to ever happen, which really upset you, because it was what you had always dreamed of...

*knock, knock, knock*

"GO AWAY!!!"

"(Y/N), I understand I have hurt you...but please let me in so I can talk to you"

"I don't want to talk"

"Very well..."

You thought he was leaving till you noticed the door opening and you realised...you told him the passcode so he could come in. The two of you ended up just staring blanckly at each other till a single tear fell down your cheek and Spock was hugging you within an instant...you returned the hug, Spock wasn't always one for human contact, he allowed you to hug him and kiss him but he never was usually the one to initiate the affection...you liked it.

"I am very sorry for the harm I have put you through but you must understand, I felt I was making the right choice for my race, but I forgot the most important thing...what the right choice for us was..."

"So what have you decided???"

"I have decided that you mean more to me (Y/N), and I was a fool to think otherwise...which is why, as well as choosing our relationship over my race, I have also chosen something else...I have chosen to ask you a very important question to which my mother told me means a lot to your race...(Y/N), will you marry me???"

"Oh Spock...of course I will"

The two of your shared a passionate kiss...maybe your dream could come true after all.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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