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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!



You quickly woke up and switched off the alarm, next to you your boyfriend Jim, rolled over to face away from you but thankfully didn't wake up. You quickly got dressed and headed to the bridge. Today was Jim's birthday and since he finds it hard to celebrate due to the fact it is also the anniversary of his fathers death, you, Chekov, Sulu, Bones, Uhura, Spock and Scotty decided to throw him an all day party on the bridge. The enterprise was currently stationed on earth for a few days so the warp core could be repaired, the whole crew just stayed on board as it was easier since we would only be here for three days, since the enterprise was currently inactive that meant nobody would have any shifts to work so everyone could attend the party celebrate the special day with our favourite captain.

When I got to the bridge everyone was waiting there with the boxes of decorations you had assigned them all to hide in their quarters since if you shared your quarter with the birthday boy and he would most likely find them. It was currently 6.30am and Jim usually gets up at 8am to go for a walk around the ship, he ended his walk at the bridge at around 9am so this gave you two and a half hours to set up decorations, food and drink, presents and figure out how to steam a live video chat with kirk's mother on the main screen since she unfortunately couldn't make it to the party.

Every half hour each of you would take turns to stand guard outside the bridge to ensure Jim didn't start his routine early, and it's a good thing you hear Chekov outside speaking very loudly.

"Vhy helll zer Keptin, vhat brings you to za bridge???"

You heared a mumble which you presumed was Kirk saying something, luckily you were all finished a bit earlier that expected so everyone quickly hid behind the control panel till Kirk entered.


Jim stumbled back in shock, luckily Chekov was behind him to keep him steady. He looked around at the decorated bridge, I could swear I saw his eyes brewing with tears slightly.

"You guys did this for me???"

"Yes Captain, Miss (Y/L/N) explained that to celebrate such an occasion such as the day of which you were born was logical and although I myself see it very illogical to celebrate a day that is like any other, I shall wish you Happy Birthday, Live long and Prosper"

"Why thank you Spock, that means a lot, I almost thought I heard loving emotion in your tone"

"Captain, I was not aware I was showing any emotions as it would be highly illogi..."

"Dammit Spock, shut it with the logic already"

You all laughed at what you were witnessing, classic Spock and Bones. Everyone wished Jim a Happy Birthday and the party began. You walked over to Kirk and hugged him.

"Happy Birthday"

"Thank you...hey is it true you organised all this"

"It was a team effort, I thought you enjoy it"

"Well I do, your the best girlfriend a man could ask for"

With that he kissed you lips. You broke the kiss and dragged Jim to the others to dance. After a while of dancing you announced it was time to open the presents, everyone went to the table and retrieved the gift they had gotten Jim. Bones had bought Jim a hit flask, he had 'JK' engraved in the side. Spock had given Jim a shiny green rock and said that in his culture to receive this particular rock would ensure a long and happy life, the gift received a comment along the lines of "money-saving hob-goblin." from Bones, but Jim thanked Spock for the lovely thought behind the gift. Chekov gave Jim a bottle of Russia's finest vodka, While Scotty gave him a bottle of Scotland's finest Scotch. Uhura had bought him a book "How to run a Starship for Dummies" we all chuckled at it but Spock once again took he title literally and started to say how Jim was an excellent captain but was cut off by bones, the two got back to arguing with each other while gift opening continued. Sulu had bought a mug that said "Worlds Greatest Captain" The last gift was from you, it was a model replica of the USS Kelvin flying besides the USS Enterprise, on the base it said, "...boldly go where no one has gone before.". You could see tears for in his eyes as he looked at the gift, he set it on the arm of his chair and walked towards you when he reached you he simply hugged you, you hugged him back, you could hear he was crying slightly and you just held him. The rest of the group got back to the party and left the two of you in your moment. Eventually Jim pulled away from you and put his hands on your cheeks.

"I love you, more than you could possibly imagine (Y/N)"

"I love you too...Happy Birthday Jim"

And on that note Kirk brought his mouth to yours, you had kissed before but this felt different this kiss felt was the perfect end to a perfect day.


Hope you liked it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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