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Here is Part 2 of the previous Bones imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 66k reads on this book, it means a lot to me ❤️❤️❤️)


Its been 3 weeks and no-ones come for each day goes by I lose hope that I'll ever get off this stupid planet. During the 3 weeks we've lost all the redshirt shirts...they all starved or got dehydrated, I suppose they were lucky to be rid of this torturous place...I was surprised to still be alive after I was filled in with what I missed. After I had passed out, the redshirt she did their part to try and get my from the creatures grasp...they succeeded in freeing my but not before I was thorn around like a rag doll, I was beaten, bruised and cut up and somehow I was still alive...I would say I was lucky but I'm not...I'm in constant pain and theirs nothing to reveal it. Leo, Spock and Kirk tried everything they could to make me feel better but nothing could ease this pain, it was just to much...I seriously doubt I'll live to see the day we are freed but I haven't told anyone that because I know that the three of the will force me to fight on but I'm not sure I can anymore...

*Bone's POV*

I have to help (Y/N) but I don't know supplies are gone and this cell doesn't offer much support...I can see her grow weaker and weaker...every time I look into her eyes I see the life ever so slowly draining from her, but I can't lose her...I love her to much to give up on her now...if only the Enterprise could find us...I could make her better again, I could get her back to her wonderful self...I have to save her...I love her.

*Your POV*

I watched as Kirk sat I the corner of the room with his head in his hands, Spock paced the room and Leo simply looked at me...the next thing I knew, a swirl of white light started to cloud my vision...I watched as the cell walls slowly disappeared under the whiteness, I waited for the enterprises interior to appear before me, but it never did...

*Bone's POV*

I watch as the familiar walls of the enterprise come into my view...we were saved...I turned to see (Y/N), she was lying limp on the beampad...I could instantly tell the something wasn't right. I walked over to her and held her in my arms, I carried her to the medbay and tried everything I could...but I was too late...she was gone. I'd managed to lose the love of my life...and there was nothing more I could do, or so I thought...just as I was about to walk away from her, I heard the one thing I'd been longing to hear...her voice.



"W...what happened???"

" left me...I thought I'd lost you..."

"You can't get rid of me that easily Leo...I love you too much"

"I love you too Darlin'...more than you know"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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