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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 45k reads on this book, you guys are amazing ❤️❤️❤️)


When your parents first told you you'd be moving schools, you were was a chance to make new friends, start a fresh. On your first day you were so thrilled but as the day went on, it became clear to you that your life was going to be a misery for one simple reason, James Kirk. He was the popular kid in your year which meant 2 things, 1. That he was extremely handsome, and 2. That he was a complete git, and being the new kid, you were his victim. He would taunt you and tease started to become more and more self conscious about yourself and as the years went by, your life went down hill. On your final day of school you were so excited to finally be free of Kirk, after that day you never have to see his face again or so you thought.

It turned out, you and Kirk both had similar aspirations in life because you both got into Starfleet Academy. For the most part, you managed to avoid him and he seemed to be oblivious to your existence till the day your professor had you pair with Kirk to complete a project. As you walked over to sit next to him you could feel your whole body tense up, you were scared in case he did something or said something but it was to late to turn back now...

"Oh hey, didn't we go to school together???"


"Your names (Y/N)??? Isn't it???"


"You don't talk much do you???"


"Hey listen, about before...I'm really sorry for the things I did when we were younger...I was an idiot and I was wrong to put you through that...can we maybe start over???"


"Maybe I could help you say more that one word at a time"

"Sounds good"

"Yay, that was two words"

"Shut up..."

You found yourself laughing with Kirk instead of watching him laugh at hoped this was the start of a beautiful friendship.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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