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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by SaveTheBrooklynBoys :I love your imagines so much! They're the best ST ones out there BY FAR, and trust me I've read my share 😉 Would you be against doing an Uhura and/or Jaylah imagine? You totally don't have to if that's out of your comfort zone 😀

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S thank you so much for over 16k reads on this book, it's just incredible ❤️)

It all happened so fast. One minute we are on a mission the next we are under attack from something we'd never encountered before. Jim had no choice but to evacuate the ship. You got managed to get to an escape pod and reach the planet but for others, it wasn't so easy, you watched as other pods were captured...you didn't know if the people inside would live. After reaching the planet you got out and geared up. You shouted out to anyone from the enterprise but no one answered so now, you were alone...and there was no way of knowing if you'd ever see your crew again, today had been a horrible day.

You took out your communicator but as soon as you opened it, it fell apart. With no way of communicating anyone you turned to your escape pod and thought about what you could do with it. Being an engineer allowed you to think outside the box when it can to challenges. Surely you could build something that would allow you to communicate to someone. You started to rip the pod apart, you collect as many parts that could potentially be useful but froze when you heard something behind you. You turned around in hopes of seeing a familiar face but was greeted by two odd looking creature, they looked angry...you were preparing to possibly fight them when out of no where, another alien appeared, the alien seemed different. The alien fought off the other two, she was incredible, doing kicks and flips and punches, she was so elite to and graceful about it, it was hot. When she finished fighting, she turned her weapon on you, you held your hands up in surrender.

"Woah...hold on...I'm not a threat"

"I'm Jaylah...Who are you???"

"I'm (Y/N)...(Y/N) (Y/L/N)...I'm an engineer for Starfleet...the ship I was on was attacked...please...I just need to find my crew"

"What is that???"

She motioned with her weapon to your badge.

"It's my badge...for Starfleet...it shows I work in engineering..."


"Yes, you know...I fix things"

"I know what it is...if I help you find your crew will you do something for me???"

"If it means I'll get back to my crew then I'll do anything you want"

"Follow me (Y/N) (Y/L/N)"

You followed Jaylah in what appeared to be some sort of ship.p

"Where are we???"

"This is my house"

"Hold on...is this...is this a starship???"

"Yes...it says here"

You walked over to a plaque that Jaylah had just cleaned with here hand and sure enough, Jaylah's house was in fact the USS Franklin, a ship that had disappeared many years ago that the federation rarely mentions.

"So...what do you need me to do???"

"I need you to make my house fly"

"Wait, you want me to fix the entire ship by myself???"

"You are an engineer are you not (Y/N) (Y/L/N)???"

"I am but Jaylah...it takes more than one person to make a ship fly...it would take me a long time if I do it all by myself"

"Just get it done"

"Why do you need it to fly anyway???"

"Because I want to get off this planet...I've been trapped here to long and I can't live here anymore...I'll help find more of your crew, to help you make my house fly...but I need to know that it will be able to fly"

You watch Jaylah as she spoke...she seemed to be hurting...this planet must upset her in more ways than she was letting on..,you felt her pain and you wanted ever so desperately to help her. You walk closer to her and pull her into a hug, at first she jumps away from you but eventually she understands what you were doing...she hugs back.

"I'll make sure that your home flys...I promise"

"Thank you (Y/N) (Y/L/N)"

So you got to work...you should Jaylah how to do somethings and other things she did automatically but the two of you made excellent progress, the more you worked on it the more you realised that the ship may actually fly. As time passed, you ended up finding some of your crew, including the captain and together you managed to locate the majority of the Enterprise crew, you came up with a plan to rescue them and get off is stupid planet and luckily your plan succeeded...you all made it to Yorktown and even though there was a bit of a hold up, you got through it. Now you were all at a party for the captains birthday but first you had something to do.



"This is for you...if you want it"

You handed Jaylah a box, she opened it and revealed a Starfleet badge, engineering department.

"Do I have to wear the uniform???"


"Well I accept (Y/N) (Y/L/N)"

"Welcome to the crew"

You hugged each other tightly but when you broke apart, you caught each other's eyes and sparks flew, the next thing you knew, you were kissing Jaylah, you don't know how it happened but you weren't complaining, it was incredible. You broke apart and took Jaylah's hands into yours. The two of you just looked into each other's eyes, hopefully, this was the start of a beautiful relationship.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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