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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


"Well, let's play this out logically then, Mr. Spock. Firstly, I will kill your captain to demonstrate my resolve, then if yours holds I will have no choice but to kill you and your entire crew."

"Khan please...don't do this...your better than this"

"Quite (Y/N)!!!"

Khan pushed you to the ground...your cried out in pain. Captain Kirk crawled over to you and held you close to watched in horror as your older brother, the kind hearted boy you grew up with, became a barely recognised him anymore...something deep within him had snapped, and you didn't think it could every he fixed. You felt tears start to roll down your cheeks.

"Now, shall we begin???"

"Lower shields."

"A wise choice, Mr. Spock. I see all 72 torpedoes are still in their tubes. If they're not mine, Commander, I will know it."

"Vulcans do not lie. The torpedoes are yours."

"Thank you, Mr. Spock."

"I have fulfilled your terms. Now fulfill mine."

"Well Kirk, it seems apt to return you to your crew. After all, no ship should go down without her captain."

You watched as Scotty, Carol and Kirk all slowly disappeared...knowing your brothers personality...they would be dead within the next few'd never see your new friends again...or would you???

"Khan...they are innocent people...please spare them..."

"Why would I spare such a vile species??? They will not survive our new world..."

"Your new world...I never wanted to be part of brought me here remember"

"How could I leave you...your my sister...I love you"

"If you really loved me then you wouldn't be about to murder my friends..."

"Oh so that's what this is about, is it??? You befriended the enemy??? Well then if your so attached to them, then JOIN THEM!!!"

A swirl of light formed around you...your surroundings disappeared before a new one was the bridge of the enterprise.

"(Y/N)!!! Your okay...zank god"

You turned around and was engulfed in a hug with your Russian sweetheart...he was hugged him you'd missed him.

Before Khan had gone had got to know the enterprise crew...they didn't keep you in a cell like your brother because they knew, you had done nothing wrong...your brother was the criminal, you just followed him because you had no choice...he was the only family you had left. You took a shine to a certain wiz kid...instantly you both felt a connection and you ended up being the best of loved spending time with him and hoped that maybe one day he'd be more than just a friend to you...

"Prepare for close range impact"

"Pavel...what's going on???"

"Ze torpedoez...zey are armed..."

"They're going to blow up the ship???"

"Yez...I'm zo zorry (Y/N)...I know how much you lowve your brother"

"It's not's just, a small torpedo explosion won't stop him..."

"But zat'z 72 torpedoez...surely he vont..."

"Oh, but he could..."

You were right...Khan did survive...but not for long. When he crashed into earth, the federation went after him, and a few thousand shots later...he was gone for will admit, it hurt knowing you'd lost your brother but, he was a'd rather he not be able to hurt anyone, anymore.

During all the chaos Kirk had been killed because of radiation in the warp core...calls were made to capture Khan alive in order to collect his blood but the message didn't make it in time...but luckily, you were still gave your blood and soon Jim was back to his old annoying self. You enlisted into Starfleet and became a member of the enterprise crew and Pavel had asked you to be his girlfriend, you happily accepted. Now you were at the ceremony for the enterprise, Kirk had just finished his speech and you and Pavel were talking in a crowd of people.

"So...5 years in space together...think we can stand each other for that long???"

"I hope zo..."

"You know I was kidding...right??? We'll be'll be an adventure"

"Can I azk you zomezing???"

"You just did..."

"Oh, haha...but I'm zeriouz"

"Of course you can...ask away"

"Vell...I vas vondering if...uh...if..."

"Just spit it out Pasha..."

"Vill you marry me???"

You watched in shock as Pavel got down on one knee and presented you with a ring...

You watched in shock as Pavel got down on one knee and presented you with a ring

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"(Y/N)...I haff lowved you zince ze firzt time ve met...I know you haff been through a lot but I vant to make you happy again...can ve spend ze rezt of our liwves togezer???"

"Yes...yes, of course...Yes!!!"

Pavel slipt the ring on your finger before you pulled him into a hug...while hugging you, he lifted you off the ground and spun you around. When you were back on the ground you broke apart from hugging and Pasha pulled you into a passionate kiss...everyone around the two of you began to were defiantly going to remember this moment for the rest of your life...the day Pavel made your life complete.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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