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Here's another imagine. Requests are Open. Enjoy!!!


You and Bones have been dating for the past 5 years, for that time you had been on a 5 year mission in space, it was hard being away from your family for so long, occasionally the ship would stop at new planets or a Starfleet base but your family could never afford the transport costs to meet you there, you weren't the only one who had missed your family. Bones hadn't seen his daughter in 5 years, her mother wouldn't allow for her to meet her dad while he was in space as she said it was too dangerous, what she really meant was, you can't see her because I want to make your life a misery so you'll come crawling back to me, Leonard didn't fall for it though, he messaged his daughter every night and they had the occasional video chat. You had never spoken to his daughter, you knew her name was Joanna and that now she would be 15 years old but apart from that she was a stranger to you, but that was about to change.

The enterprise had returned to Earth and it wouldn't be leaving again for another year, this meant that you had a year to do whatever you wanted. The first thing you and Bones did was get and apartment together, you would have bought a house together but there wasn't any point if you'd spend more time in space than in the house, it took a few weeks to get the two bedroom flat to look like a home but you got there in the end, the next thing to do was organise for Joanna to come and stay with you both for a bit. Bones was currently on the phone with his ex wife, you could hear shouting but stayed out of the way, Bones would never physically hurt you if he got angry but sometimes he would raise his voice and you being a sensitive person who doesn't like conflict would usually end up in tears but if you kept you distance then all would be good. You decided to busy yourself by making dinner. Bones appeared into the kitchen just as you were dishing up, he sat at the table and you placed a plate of food in front of him while you sat opposite him. As you both are there was an awkward silence between you both, Leonard eventually spoke.

"Joanna's coming tomorrow."

"That's great, how long is she staying???"

"A year."

"That sounds wonderful but...won't her mum miss her???"

"The daft bitch wants to go travelling with her new toy boy...apparently that is more important than her own daughters wellbeing..."

"Well at least now typos can have a whole year to reconnect with her, 5 years is along time to be away from you daughter."

"Yeah I suppose..."

He seemed a bit down so when you were finished eating you picked up the plates and sat them in the dishwasher, you then grabbed Leonard's hand and dragged him to your shared room, you were going cheer him up with something you both loved to do 😉😉😉

*time skip brought to you by logic*

You and Bones waited at the transporter, it burst into life and soon a girl appeared, she looked around and noticed Leonard, she instantly ran to him and they hugged each other.

"DAD!!! I missed you so much."

"I missed you to Jojo."

They stopped hugging and Bones grabbed my hand and pull me closer to him and Joanna.

"Jo, this is (Y/N). (Y/N) this is my little Joanna."

"Dad seriously I'm not little, I'm 15."

"Your my little girl till I say your not."

You all chuckled at this. I extended my hand out to Joanna and said hello.

"Are you my dad's girlfriend???"

"Yes, I am."

"Your really pretty,"

I blushed at this comment. This girl was adorable.

"Why thank you, and might I say you are one beautiful young lady."

After saying this she smiled and then hugged me. I hugged her back, I knew then that me and her were gonna get along very well.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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