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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


You finished your shift for the day and decided to go see your boyfriend in the Medbay, as you walked through the halls you hoped Leo wouldn't be busy, the two of you had barely spent any time together recently, both your work schedules kept clashing so whenever you have free time you would go see each other while you work. You got to the Medbay and looked around, you saw a lot of nurses but no Bones, you noticed Carol was checking supplies so decided to see if she knew where Bones was.

"Hey Carol"

"Oh, hi (Y/N)...what brings you here???"

"I'm looking for Leonard, have you seen him at all???"

"He just left a few minutes ago to see the captain, he shouldn't be can wait in his office if you like"


You walked over to his office door but it was locked, Carol had followed you to the door and noticed so when and fetched the spare key, she came back and opened the door.

"There you go...he shouldn't be long"

"Are you busy or would you be able to wait with me...I'd rather have someone to talk to than sit in silence"

"Sure, I can stay"

The two of you sat and talked while you waited, after 10 minutes bones still wasn't back and the two of you were getting kind of bored, you noticed what a mess bones office was in and to pass the time the two of you decided to tidy it.You put files away and organised the supplies, you then noticed one of the drawers of the filing cabinet had paper sticking out of it, you opened the drawer to fix it but in doing so you noticed a box.

"Oh my god..."


"Come look at this"

Carol can over and looked in the drawer and noticed what you were staring at. She picked up the box and you stared at each other in shock.

"Do you think it a..."

"Yeah...should we open it"

"I dunno...should we???"

"I think we should"

Carol started to open the box but you stopped her.

"What if it's what we think it is...if I see it, it'll ruin the surprise"

"But if it isn't what we think it is then there's no harm done"

"I look won't hurt"

Carol opened the box and you were amazed at what you saw, it was what you were thinking, it was a beautiful engagement ring.

Carol opened the box and you were amazed at what you saw, it was what you were thinking, it was a beautiful engagement ring

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