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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


Today was the day, the day you would marry the love of your life, Pavel. You met each other at the academy and instantly you both fell in love. At 18 Pavel haf proposed to you while you were at the beach, you gladly accepted and now, 2 months later, your staring at your reflection as you waited nervously.

 At 18 Pavel haf proposed to you while you were at the beach, you gladly accepted and now, 2 months later, your staring at your reflection as you waited nervously

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There was a knock on the door and in walked Uhura closely followed by your dad, Admiral Pike. The both looked at you, you could see tears in both of their eyes.

"(Y/N), you look beautiful"

"Thank you"

"My little girl is growing up to fast"

"Oh dad..."

You walked over to him and hugged him, you knew this was hard for him. After your mother died you were the only thing he had left. He raised you as best he could anc because of that the two of you became very close. There was another knock on the door, this time it was Carol Marcus.

"It's time"

Your heart started to race, it was time...time to in front of all your friends and family and marry Pavel. You took hold of your dads hand and and walked out of the room, Uhura walked slightly ahead of you both. You all came to a stop in front of a set of huge double doors, this was when you started to panic, everyone would be watching you walk down the isle...what if you tripped and fell, they'd all laugh at how clumsy you were, maybe Pavel wouldn't marry because he would be to ashamed of gripped your dads arm tightly.

"Dad...I can't do this"

"Sweetheart, of course you can..."

"But I can't...everyone will be staring at me...what if I make a fool of don't think I can do this..."

By this point tears had started to form in your eyes, you could feel a panic attack starting but there was nothing you could do to stop it. Your dad hugged you close to him, the music started playing and Uhura and Carol walked through the doors it was your turn next but you couldn't bring yourself to walk forward...your body wasn't letting you move. Your dad tried to calm you down to calm you but nothing was working, all you could think of was the way people were gonna stare at you and most likely judge you for getting married so young, you couldn't handle all the stress so you ran in the opposite direction to the doors, you needed space. You could hear your dad call your name but he didn't follow you. You ran until you found a supply closet, you quickly hid in there before you began to wanted to be Pavel's wife but you just didn't know how to control your anxiety. You thought about the fact you had just abandoned Pavel, he'd just be standing there with no clue as to why you hadn't walked down the isle, you just hoped you hadn't humiliated him.

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