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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @CheatTumbler70 :Jim and the reader are married and then Jim cheats on the reader with carol Marcus and then the reader finds out that he got her pregnant. Thx

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


"Happy anniversary Jim...what do you want to do today??? I was thinking we could spend the day here and watch some doctor who...what do you think???"

"Oh, is that today??? Listen (Y/N), I'm so sorry but I completely forgot..."

"Hey, it's okay...we all forget stuff"

"No, that's not the point, you see...I have a meeting for most of today...I can't get out of it"

"Oh...well, no worries...I'll find someone else to hang out with till your done"

"Your an amazing wife (Y/N) I'll see you later, and I promise I'll make it up to you"

"You better...I love you"

"I love you too"

Jim simply kissed you before he rushed out the door...although you were a little upset over the fact Jim had forgotten your wedding anniversary, you let it slide...he was the captain after all, it wasn't exactly a stress free job, things were bound to be forgotten...but at least he'd be back for tonight, you had planned to cook him a special dinner so at least your anniversary wouldn't go uncelebrated.

Now all you had to do was find someone to spend the day with so you weren't sitting around bored. You would normally go see Carol because you always enjoyed her company but recently she seemed to be avoiding you and you had no idea hadn't done anything to upset her as far as you knew but for some reason she wouldn't talk to just hoped maybe she'd be your friend again. Instead of seeing Carol, you opted to go see Uhura, the two of you had always been close, you shared a room at the academy and since then have always liked spending time together.

You got ready before heading to Uhura's quarters, she had the day off as well, so there would be no problem in spending some time together. You got to here room and knocked on the door, you heard shuffling on the other side of the door before it opened and Uhura appeared on the other side.

"Oh hey (Y/N), aren't you supposed to be with Kirk???"

"I was but he had to go to a meeting...he couldn't get out of it"

"Aww I'm so sorry (Y/N), I know how excited you were about today"

"It's okay...he'll be back for dinner, but in the meantime I thought me and you could do something"

"Well you better come in then"

Uhura stepped to the side to let you in, you walked into the living room and sat down while Uhura went into the kitchen, before returning to you with two glasses of wine.

"It's a bit early is it not???"

"Come on (Y/N), live a little...and besides, we are celebrating the fact that you've been married to Kirk for the past year...much to some people's dismay"

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