15 things about me (Tag)

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So I had been tagged by Chekovneedslove to tell you 15 things about me. I'm sorry this isn't an imagine but thought this could be fun.

1. Post all rules.
2. List 15 things about you.
3. Tag 15 people.
4. You can't back out.
5. Must be done within a week.
6. Give this thing a good title.

15 things about me
1. My name is Chloe.
2. I'm 17. (*bones voice* oh good, she's 17)
3. I have a sister who is 4 years older than me.
4. When I was a toddler I burnt my hands on a radiator.
5. When I was younger I almost committed suicide by accidentally falling through the bars on a bunk bed.
6. My favourite Star Trek characters are Chekov and Bones.
7. I'm became so obsessed with marvel I made a fan page for it on Instagram ( @marvel_fan_forever )
8. When I was born my ear was squished and made a kind of point so my sister calls me Spock.
9. I have a Scottish accent and find it hilarious when people can't understand me.
10. My favourite colour is yellow.
11. I'm taller than my older sister so I call her my little big sister, people get really confused by it.
12. My sisters name is Gillian but when I was first learning to talk I called her Gin or Gill cause her name was to hard to say.
13. The song in the video above is the song I am currently obsessed with listening to.
14. I used to play the violin but my teacher was so strict that I had to quit.
15. The first time I went to the cinema alone was to see Star Trek Beyond.

15 people I tag

Hopefully you found this interesting. Imagines will continue tomorrow as normal. 😊😊😊

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