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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S thank you for over 9k reads on this book 😊😊😊 You guys are amazing ❤️❤️❤️)

"What about her??? She seems nice"



"Stop it, your here to work not play matchmaker"

"Aww come on Leo, I'm just trying to haven't had a girlfriend since your divorce, I just want you to be happy"

"Well I don't want to be happy so get back to work"

Bones started to walk away from you but you skipped along side him. He rolled his eyes when he saw you weren't going to leave him alone, this confused you. You two had been best friends since you were toddlers, you did everything together. Usually he didn't mind you trying to set him up with someone but today he seemed off and you wanted to know why, you wanted to help him.

"What's gotten into you"

"Are you gonna bug me all day or are you gonna get some work done???"

"Someone's grumpy today...but seriously, what's up...maybe I can't help"

"You can help by stop trying to set me up with people I don't like"

"So you like someone??? Who are they???"

"I didn't say I liked someone"

"But you did say to stop setting you up with people you don't like, so that means you know what you like so back to my original question...who are they???"

"Just drop it and get back to work"

"Fine, I'll get back to work...but I shall have their name by the end of today's shift, I can promise you that"

As you worked you thought up a plan...I Bones liked someone then if he didn't tell you who the person was then he'd probably tell Kirk, so you decided to pay the Captain a little visit. You walked on the bridge and over to Jim's chair, he was trying to chat up a girl from engineering. You lightly shoved the girl out of the way and got Kirks attention.

"Hey!!! Why did you do that..."

"You can flirt with her later, right now I need information on Bones"

"What kind of information???"

"Who's this person he likes...he isn't telling me and I was hoping you would know"

"I can't say"

"So he does like someone...why can't you tell me who it is???"

"It's not my place..."

"Seriously??? Usually you'd be teaming up with me to find him a girl...why are you and him acting so weird today???"

"He said if I told you then he'd give me a hypo...I can't risk the hypo"

"Aww come on, I won't tell him...please just tell me"

"I can't..."

"I'll dye your hair pink while you sleep if you don't tell me"

"No, not the hair..."

"Then spill..."

"Fine...he likes you"


"Your the girl he likes...he always has...he just doesn't have the courage to tell you"

"Oh my god...I gotta go..."

You walked out of the bridge and headed back to the Medbay. Bones liked you...why didn't he just tell you??? You told each other everything. You thought about how you felt about Leo, you'd never really thought of him as anything more as a friend, you couldn't think of him as anything more, he had been married and you just accepted that. You had to admit that you found Leo attractive but could it go any further??? You'd need to try to find out. You reached the Medbay and you had a plan, you looked around and spotted bones looking at something on a PADD, you casually walked up to him and stood beside him.

"Hey grumpy"

"What do you want???"

"I know who you like..."

"No you don't"

"Yes I like me"

"Who told you??? Was it Jim??? I swear to god I will hypo his ass to next we..."

You cut him off with a kiss, he seemed surprised at you sudden action and to be honest, you were surprised as well but you just needed to know how you felt towards bones and there was only one way you could think of doing that, kiss him, and you got your answer, you did like bones and by his reaction to the kiss you could tell he liked you back.

"You have no idea how many times I have wished that to happen"

"Well today was your lucky day know you could have just been honest with me and told me you liked me, I don't bite"

"I just didn't want to lose my best friend over a stupid crush"

"Well you have lost your friend"


"Cause you now have a girlfriend so stop you can stop with the grouchiest today and kiss me again"

"Whatever you say Darlin'"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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