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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 29k reads ❤️️❤️️❤️️ it means so much 😊😊😊)


You and Leo had been dating for the last 5 years, and things were great between you both however that might change after see, you and Leo had gotten together not long after being assigned to the enterprise so even though you felt you knew each oath very well, you were keeping a secret from were a loved pulling pranks on people, but so far you hadn't had a chance to pull any since you were to busy with your boyfriend and work, but that was about to change.

Everyone aboard the ship trusted you so know was the perfect opportunity to show your true passion for pranks. After careful consideration of who your first victim would be you decided to go with Bones because he was the least likely person you'd go for, everyone would presume he would by pass a prank but you would leave no pranking Bones first you were letting everyone know, no-one was safe...

After picking the victim, it was time to pick the couldn't be something dangerous...but it couldn't be to had to make a statement, but still leave some mystery to the way you operate...then it hit you, the perfect prank. Now all you had to due was put your plan into motion.

You collected everything you needed and waited for the right opportunity. After a few days of waiting, it was time. You got up really early in the morning and got dressed before making your way to the medbay with your supplies, making sure to be extra quite since, for the past 3 years of your relationship, you and Leo had been sharing a quarter.

As soon as you got to the medbay, you got to work. You didn't have a lot of time so you had to work a few hours Leo would be here and you needed to be back in your room before he woke up as not to look suspicious. There were a few people already in the medbay, they looked at you strangely but soon took no notice in your actions. After around an hour of none stop working, you were finally finished, you checked your watch, Leo would be up had to get back, soon. You quickly ran back to your quarters, changed into your pyjamas and carefully got back into bed before drifting into sleep.

Not long after you fell asleep, the alarm went off so both you and Leo got up and ready before heading to the medbay to start your shifts. When you were just about to enter the medbay you quickly got your PADD out and clicked the video function...this was going to be hilarious so you wanted to remember this moment forever. You both entered the medbay, Leo entered before you.

"What the...?!"

Leo had just walked into his had covered everything in the medbay...the walls the ceiling, the floors, the equiptment, the beds...everything...and in what you may wonder??? Pictures of Bones's Best friend, now he could look at him all day.

"Right...WHO did this???"

You were recording the whole was hilarious...however, you hadn't thought about if Leo saw you recording...which he just did.


"H...hey, Leo...have I ever told you how much I love you..."

"You did this, didn't you..."

"Did what???..."

" am I supposed to work with that hob-goblin staring at me constantly..."

"Would that reference be directed toward me Doctor???"

Both you and Leo turned to see Spock standing in the doorway.

"Oh great...just when you thought life couldn't get any worst..."

"The captain asked me to bring you these reports..."

"Just sit them over there Spock...I don't have time the now...I have bigger issues..."

"Certainly Doctor"

And with that Spock looked back at Leo, he seemed pissed off but he'd be fine eventually...but you had to admit, it was kind of funny. You walked over to Leo and hugged him from behind, resting head on his back.

"Hey Leo???"


"You know...I'm gonna prank Spock next...if you want you can help me, maybe then you'll forgive me..."

"I'd love to help you prank the pointy eared bastered darlin'...and also, I'm not mad at you...I'm a little annoyed, but I have to admit, it was a good choice of prank"

"That's why I did it Leo...I love you"

"I love you too darlin', now lets get planning..."


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo x

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