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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 27k reads on this book 😄😄😄 you are all amazing and I really appreciate you reading my work ❤️❤️❤️)


The day you met Pavel Chekov was the greatest day of you life. It was from that day that your life changed for the better. As a kid, everyone treated you differently, as if you didn't belong. You were always the quite kid in the corner who would have no friends and wouldn't really socialise unless they had just couldn't seem to find the confidence in yourself to put yourself out there and make friends. You were always told that when you got older, socialising would get didn' stayed the odd one out, the one everyone avoided...the one everyone didn't like but they had no idea why they didn't like you. To be honest, being on your own didn't bother you that much but on your low days, it was hard not having someone to talk get advise didn't mind being alone but that didn't mean you wanted to alone, you just had no choice.

You met Pavel in high school...he just moved from Russia and everyone cast him out because he was, different. Because he was labelled as different, that meant that he too would stand quietly in a corner, not really talking to anyone. Now naturally, you'd think that me and Pavel would become instant friends but it didn't work like that because...yes, you were both cast outs but it didn't mean you'd instantly form your own friendship, that took time.

First the two of you would occasionally share glances at one another, being careful to quickly look away when your eyes met, that lasted a few weeks. You then moved on to standing closer to each other, closing the distance between you as the days went by. After about 3 months of gradually becoming closer you finally plucked up the courage to talk to Pavel...although the only words you could form were, "can I stand next to you...", you had to admit, it was a weird question but it did the job, you broke the silence barrier, from then on, it was hard to get you both to stop talking, you were both so existed to have someone to talk have a friend.

As high school got closer to finishing, you and Pavel both started to didn't want to be split up, you were best, you both decided to pursue a career at Starfleet and so you both enrolled to the Academy. You trained to be an engineer while Pavel learned to be a navigator. After graduation, you were both assigned to the USS Enterprise, which was amazing.

At one point the enterprise went on a five year mission, about half way through that mission, the ship crashed on a strange planet, the crew was split up, you and Pavel were split had no idea if he was okay and the thought of losing him scared you. When you found Pavel you instantly hugged him and didn't want to let go. After that event, a party had been held for the captains birthday, at that party Pavel surprised you with an engagement ring, he told you how much he cared for you and how he never wanted to lose you...that life was to short to over think, you said yes.

And now your here...having just married your best you were, dancing your first dance as a married couple and it felt magical. To know that you two would be together forever, you'd always be there for each other. Having been through the same life experiences, you understood each other better than you knew yourselves. You were the perfect match for each other and you couldn't wait to start a family with Pavel, to watch your children grow up, to grow old and not fear life but embrace it because Pavel would be by your side, every step of the way.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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