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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @mistakecentral :Could you do a spock x Vulcan!reader, please? :)

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


As a child, I was always encouraged to get to know those of my own, the Vulcan species. My mother and father wanted me to continue the line of vulcans and not disgrace the family, but there was one problem with this. Yes, you were Vulcan, but you had always felt like, maybe you weren't like everyone else. You didn't look at the world in a logical way, you looked at the world in an interesting way. You loved to look at things and think about how it was made and what else you could make with it...you let your mind wander.

When you became a young adult, and you didn't have a partner, you mother was disappointed in you for what she called, not trying...but that wasn't exactly true. You had tried to find a partner, but every other Vulcan was boring and old and no fun...you didn't want someone who would tell you want to do, you wanted someone to stand beside you and experience life. You half expected that you'd end up disgracing your family by meeting a human, they were so interested and loved to live life to the fullest...but in the end, you didn't disappoint anyone.

You met Spock, now granted, he was only half Vulcan but your parents didn't say you needed to find a pure blood, they just said find someone Vulcan...so you did. Spock was different from other vulcans, he'd broken free of the system. Instead of going to the school on Vulcan, Spock went to Starfleet. He was the commander of a ship called the enterprise now, he was very impressive. Your probably wondering how the two of you met...well that's easy, we met after Spock came to Vulcan to see his family. You had been heading to see your father, who was a member of the high council, and Spock was doing the same. You ended up walking into each other and both of you came tumbling to the floor. In that moment you both literally fell for each other, and since hitting it off that day, you haven't been apart since.

You and Spock ended up getting married and now, you were living happily on the enterprise. At first your mother didn't approve of you leaving your home, but eventually accepted it. You loved it on the enterprise, so much to do and learn, everything was so intriguing. You had successfully manage to please your family and you found your soul mate, you were inlove with Spock, and he was in love with you...and you couldn't be happier at the thought of having children together and then growing old together...you couldn't wait to live life to the full.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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