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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @kalopisa :Hey could I please have a kirk imagine where they knew each other back on earth, they dated but they had to break up and they both understood why, and while they were apart he never dated anyone else, then when they are on the enterprise could she get picked as a 2nd language translator, then when she has to get to her job she gets to the bridge before kirk. Then when he is on the bridge and is sitting down she realises who he is and jumps onto his lap and kisses him.                  Sorry this is really big, I had a dream like this and I wanted someone who is an amazing writer to write it

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


I first met Jim Kirk at the academy, I was running to a class and I ran straight into him, our books went flying and I fell on my butt, Jim kneeled down picked up his books while I picked up mine, we both stood up, when I looked into his eyes I was mesmerised by how blue they were, they were so beautiful.

"I'm so sorry for running into you like that..."

"No worries...I'm Jim by the way, Jim Kirk"

"I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) (Y/L/N)"

You shook hands and exchanged a smile.

"Say (Y/N), how would you like to go on a date with me"

"I'd love to..."

That was the beginning of your relationship. You went to a fancy restaurant for that date, it was an incredible night. Jim asked you to be his girlfriend on that date and you accepted. After a year of dating you were both becoming distant to each other, your school work was taking up both of your time and you never saw each other, it didn't feel like a relationship anymore. One night you and Jim finally had a chance to see each other but it didn't end well. You both got to talking and as hard as it was, you realised you needed to break up with each other, it was hard to accept but you both came to the realisation that you both didn't have time to be in a relationship, your careers had to come first so you parted ways and decided to remain friends.

The friends thing didn't really work out, it was really awkward for you to be around each other and not be together, you still had feelings for each other but didn't want to go through that again so over time you both drifted separate ways and haven't spoke to each other since.

The time you spent away from him was hard, you loved him and you didn't know if you'd ever stop loving him but you just kept telling yourself that the break up was for the best and hoped that one day maybe you'd be able to move on from him.

*time skip because Space, the final frontier...*

You graduated from the academy and had been assigned to the USS Enterprise. You were assigned to be the assistant communications officer, on your first day you were greeted by your coworker Uhura, she was really helpful and friendly. She showed you your quarters and we're all the facilities were on the ship, she then took you to the bridge to start your work. When you first entered the bridge you were hoping to meet the captain of the ship, from the stories you'd heard about the ship he must be a brave man. Uhura said that he'd be there soon and then you could be introduced to him so until then you got on with your work.

You heard a transmission, while translating the message you heard the turbo lift open, Uhura nudged your elbow and you guessed that the captain must have arrived, you quickly finished the translation, you showed Uhura your findings before turning to see the captain, when you saw him you felt a knot form in your stomach, it was him...Jim Kirk,crew guy you'd tried to forget about but failed miserably, the guy you were hopelessly I love with...

You stood up and walked over to him and sat in his lap, you then put your hands on his cheeks and pulled him into a passionate kiss. You couldn't control your actions, but you didn't really want to either, this was what you wanted. You wanted to feel Jim's lips on yours again, you'd missed him, you never stopped thinking about him. Even though it was for the best, there was the occasional times you felt that the break up was the worst mistake you ever made. You had been kissing Jim for a while and the best part was that he didn't pull away, he encouraged the kiss, you could tell he'd been feeling the same way you had for all this time.

You eventually broke the kiss because you both needed oxygen but you just kept staring into each other's eyes. The rest of the crew on the bridge were looking at you with total confusion but you didn't care.

"I was hoping I'd get the chance to do that"

"I'm glad did...I've missed you so much"

"I've missed you too...since we broke up, I've been trying to get over you but I can't..."

"You been the only girl on my mind...I'm so glad your here, I'm glad I can finally tell you"

"Tell me what???"

"(Y/N), I love you...I always have and always will"

"I love you too Jim"

"Will you be my girlfriend again???"

"I'd love to..."

You kissed once more, this was the start of your new relationship. Now that you both don't have school to worry about you'll have more time for each other. You were both determined to stay together because you couldn't bare the thought of being apart, you lost each other once and you were never gonna let it happen again. You were made for each other and you both knew it.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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