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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 63k reads on this book, it means a lot to me ❤️❤️❤️)


*Chekov's POV*

"Keptin, I vas vondering if you had a moment to talk"

"Yeah sure Chekov...what about???"

" zee...I vas going to azk (Y/N) marry me...and uh, zince I can't azk your dad vor here hand...uh, I zhought I'd azk you..."

"Aww Chekov...of course you can marry my sister, on one condition..."


"Never break her heart...or you just fall out the air lock..."


"Hahaha, that was should have seen you face...don't worry, I know you won't hurt her, your a good man, have you got a ring???"

"Yez zir..."

"Well come on, let me see it..."

I got the ring out and showed it to Jim.


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" really pushed the boat out on this could she say no to that"

"Do you zink she'll like it???"

"No I don't think she'll like it..."


"...I think she'll love it, so, how you gonna pop the question???"

"Vell...I vas gonna azk her tonight...after I made her a romantic meal"

"Well, I'm sure she'll say yes..."

"I hope zo..."

"I know so...if there's one thing I know, it's when my sister is happy, and with you...she's the happiest I've ever seen her...if she doesn't say you, then I'll let you be captain for a day because it'll be Opposite Day"

"Vell I better go get zings ready..."

"How about I come help you...your gonna be marrying my baby sister after all"

"If you'd like zir"

"Come on Pavel, call me Jim...we are gonna be family after all"

"Ok, Jim"

*Your POV*

I didn't mean to eavesdrop...but then again, I'm kind of glad I did because of two reasons, one, because I know the love of my life wants to marry me and two because the love of my life and my big brother are getting along so well, and that's a I could ever wish for.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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