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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by lllharleyquinnlll :Could you do one of kirk x reader on a romantic galactic date?

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


"Lieutenant (Y/L/N), report to the bridge immediately...Kirk out"

You found the announcement very engineer isn't usually requested on the bridge unless something is broken, and even then, your not one of the engineers qualified to fix any of the equipment on the bridge, your skills lie with the warp core mostly. However you didn't dare go against the captain so you followed orders and made your way to the bridge. As you walked you thought of reasons why you specifically would be needed on the could only think of one thing, that you had done something wrong and was going to be thrown off the ship...but then again, what had you done wrong??? You always followed rules and regulations...why does the captain need you so urgently??? Well you were about to find out because you made it to the bridge. The doors swooshed open and you walked in. Jim was sitting in his chair so you walked over and stood beside him.

"You wished to see me Captain???"

"Yes, I did (Y/N)..."

He stood up and looked seriously at you...this made you nervous, you raked through your brain to think of what you had done wrong...once again, you couldn't think of anything.

"There's no need to look so nervous (Y/N)...I just wanted to know if you have any plans for after your shift today"

"Oh...uhh...I have no plans captain."

" the way, you can call me Jim..."

"Okay, Jim...may I ask why you needed to know if I had plans later???"

"Well I'm taking you on a date be ready by 5pm...see you then"

And with that, he was stood in place for a moment, in shock...did the captain just ask you out on a date??? James Tiberius Kirk...the lady's man of the ship...wants to go on a date with you??? You couldn't believe that had actually happened. You eventually snapped back into reality and realised some of the other crew members were now staring at you since you hadn't moved in a while. You simple ignored the odd looks and turned around and headed back to engineering to finish your shift.

For the rest of your shift you couldn't help but smile like an were so excited for your date. At 4pm, your shift finished and you found yourself running back to your quarters to get ready. You hopped in the shower before styling your hair, putting on some make-up and putting on one of your favourite dresses.

 You hopped in the shower before styling your hair, putting on some make-up and putting on one of your favourite dresses

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