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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


Being a princess may seem like every girls dream, but for me, it was torture. The constant balls and banquets...all the dancing and waving...all you ever wanted was a normal life, to be a normal a boy, fall in love...start a family, and leave all this royalty behind you but there was one problem...your father. You being his only child meant that you were the heir to his throne and so, he refused to let you denounce yourself to be were trapped in this miserable life. You decided to go for a walk in the gardens to clear your head, you sat down on the grass and looked to the sky, at how the birds flew free above you, oh how you wished you could be free too.

"Scotty, tell me you can fix this...what, how did it break???...well you need to fix it, now!!!...Kirk out"

You looked over to the trees, where this mysterious voice was coming from. You quickly stood up and walked over to the trees and peered in to see who was there, you saw a man...he looked different to other men you had seen, for others this may have been a frightening discovery but for you, it was exciting. You moved to try and get a better view of the mans face when you heard a crack, you'd stepped on a branch. In shock, the man turned to you and held up a strange device at you.

"Who's there???"

"It is I, Princess (Y/N)...I'm awfully sorry for scaring you."

"Its quite alright...may I ask, where am I???"

"You are in the palace home is just over did you get here??? The guards don't allow strangers to wander our land"

"I was transported here from my ship, unfortunately I can not leave and my beaming pad has been damaged by one of my crew tripping over it and smashing it"

"Transport???...Beaming???...what are these words that you speak of???"

"Have you ever heard of Starfleet???"

"My father has mentioned such a thing in the past..."

"Well I work for starfleet...I'm Captain Kirk of the USS Enterprise, but please call me Jim"

"Jim...your from another world, aren't you"

"Yes...I'm from Earth"

" sounds"

"I take it you have never explored beyond your own planet"

"I'm afraid not Jim, as my father wishes to protect his heir...and so, I'm not allowed to leave the palace or its grounds"

"That sounds...boring...maybe when my ship is fixed, I could take you to see the universe"

"Oh would you?! That sounds amazing!!!"

"I'd do anything for a beautiful woman such as yourself"

"Are you this kind to all the maidens you encounter???"

"Only the ones I'm in love with..."

"But we just do you know???"

"I just have a feeling"

"What is this feeling like??? How do I know if I feel it too???"

"It just...feels like the world around you doesn't matter...only the person infront of you does"

"How will I know for sure..."

"You should know, if I do this..."

"So wh..."

Jim's lips were on yours before you could finish speaking...and then you felt felt that nothing else mattered...nothing but Jim, and this kiss, in this moment. Jim stopped kissing you and looked into your eyes.



"I'm in love with you too"

"Enterprise to Captain Kirk...transport has been restored, beaming at your command sir"

"(Y/N)...come with me, be with me...we can leave this place and never return...I don't want to lose you, ever"

You turned to the direction of the couldn't leave forever...or could you??? Maybe now was your chance to have the life your dreamed of...a new, normal life with Jim. You turned back to looked deep into his striking blue eyes.

"I will come with you on one condition"


"Make sure my father never finds me"

"I promise"

"Kirk to Enterprise, two to beam up"

A light started to swirl around you both and your vision went from the luscious green trees of your planet to this strange, yet exciting place.

"Welcome to your new life (Y/N)"

Jim placed his hands on your hips and pulled you in for a passionate kiss, without control, your hands instantly went to Jim's hair...this kiss was incredible, you never wanted it to end.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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