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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @AliceItim :Could you do an imagine that the reader and Kirk cosplaying a character in cartoons that they like at the party on Enterprise please?

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


Being on the enterprise can be fun but, sometimes the idea of flying around in space can become a bit depressing so you decided to lift everyone's spirits by having a party and the party would be cartoon themed. You wanted everyone to attend the party as their favourite cartoon because you thought that it would make for a good conversation started plus, it would be loads of fun.

Currently, you and Uhura were in your quarters getting ready for the party. You were going as Minnie Mouse as you thought she was adorable.

While Uhura was planning to go as Daphne from Scooby Doo, apparently she had even convinced Spock to come as Fred

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While Uhura was planning to go as Daphne from Scooby Doo, apparently she had even convinced Spock to come as that, I couldn't wait to see. The two of you finished getting ready and then headed to the main rec room, where the party was being held.

When you arrived, the party was well under way, everyone was dressed up and dancing and having fun. You looked at all the characters in front of you and were surprised at how everyone had managed to come as different characters, from what you could see, no one had can as the same person as anyone else, it was quite pleasing to see. Then you notice a pair of mouse ear and started to freak out when you thought someone had also come as Minnie Mouse but, as you walked closer to the ears you realise it was Kirk and he'd actually come as Mickey Mouse.


"Oh hey (Y/N)...I see we think on the same wavelength"

"Either that or Uhura told you to wear that since she knew what I was going as"

" got me...well done on planning all this though, it seems to be lifting everyone's spirits"

"I'm glad it is, we all needed a good party"

"Your telling me..."

You ended up staying with Jim for most of the night, drinking and dancing and having an awesome time, you noticed Spock in his Fred outfit and you had to say that him and Uhura looked adorable together. You also noticed Bones, he'd come as Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh and even though he looked as grumpy as ever, you were grateful that he'd taken part.

"So (Y/N)...why did Uhura make me come as Mickey if she knew you were Minnie???"

"I...uh...I don't know"

"I think I do..."

"Go on then..."

"I think she did it because you told her to"

"And why would I do that???"

"Because you like me"

"W...what?! i don't"

"You don't have to hide it...we're all drunk here"

You looked at Jim, straight into his gorgeous ocean blue eyes, the truth is, you did like Jim. The only person that knew was Uhura so it was obvious she was trying to set us up. Without really thinking you grabbed Jim's face and pulled his lips to yours into a kiss. Jim puts his hands on your hips and pulls you closer, Jim brushes him tongue against your bottom lip, asking for you to open your mouth so you did, Jim's tongue explores you mouth as the two of you share a passionate kiss in the middle of the party. Jim then pulls away and stops kissing you but still holds your hips.

"Maybe we should continue this somewhere more...private"

"That's sounds great"

The two of you left the rec room and headed to Jim's quarters to continue 😉😉😉.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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