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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @marvelgirl_02 :Request: Reader sneaks out while Jim is sleeping and goes to a club with Uhura and Jim finds out and gets jealous and angry when you get back.

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


Uhura: is he asleep yet???

You: yeah...Uhura, I'm not sure about this...

Uhura: aww come on (Y/N), live a little,'ll be back before he wakes up

You: okay fine...I'll just get ready...let me know when your here

~time passes, you are now ready~

Uhura: I'm here, now get your butt out here and lets go have some fun

You: I'm coming, I'm coming...

*messenger ended*

It had been ages since you and Uhura had a girls night out...usually Kirk would find a reason to come with you and although you loved him very much, you wanted some freedom...You and Uhura went to some bars and had a few drinks, you danced a little and had an overall fun time.

*Kirk's POV*

During the night, I had reached out to pull (Y/N) into a cuddle but there was one problem...she wasn't there. At first I just lay in bed thinking, maybe she was at the toilet, so I waited for a bit, but after a while, I sat up and noticed that her side of the bed was untouched. I got out of bed and went looking for her but she was no where to be seen. I then noticed her phone and purse were gone, that only meant one thing, she had gone out...without me.

*Your POV*

After a few drinks, it was time to go home so you and Uhura both got into taxis and headed home. When you got home, all the lights were still off, so Jim must have been asleep the whole time. You quietly got into the house and made your way up stairs. When you got to your room, you opened the door slowly and walked carefully went to get ready for bed in the dark when you noticed he light turning on...that could only mean one thing.

"Had a fun time??? Without me???"

"Oh Jim, I'm sorry...I just wanted a little girl time and..."

"You know how much I love to go out and spend time with you..."

Jim simply folded his arms and turned away from you, was he really jealous of the fact you and Uhura had a good time without him???

"I think someone's a little jealous..."

"Am not..."

"Are too..."

"Am not..."

"Are too..."

"Am not..."

"Ok this is getting do realise that I do like going out with you...just sometimes, I wanna spend time with my friends..."

"I suppose..."

"Can you forgive me???"


You then pulled Jim into a hug, at first he tried to not participate in the hug but eventually, he couldn't resist a cuddle...he was just a softy that way.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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