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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


It had been 3 months since the last time you had spoken to your husband, Jim. He'd been on a mission with the enterprise and unfortunately you had to stay on earth because you were 5 months pregnant and Jim was concerned with you possibly getting hurt if you were aboard. So now here you were, staring at a screen, waiting for your video call to connect to the enterprise so you could see Jim again.

~Call Connected~

"Hey (Y/N), am I glad to finally see you"

"Bad day???"

"Yeah, we were attack by a Klingon war's been hectic all, how have you and junior been???"

"We are was kicking earlier, I wish you could have been here"

"I know, me too...but it's just for another month and then I'll be home to look after you...I miss you so much"

"I miss you too"

"~captain, the Klingon's have returned and are firing at us...shields now 70%~ Thank you Spock, I'll be right there...listen, baby, I've got to go for now but I'll chat soon okay..."

"Be careful"

"I always am...I love you"

"I love you too"

*time skip brought to you by Montgomery Scotty*

Dear Mrs Kirk,

We must inform you that during a mission, the USS Enterprise was fired upon by a Klingon war ship. Since the attack, the Starship Enterprise has not been detected, neither have any of it's crew. It is with deepest regret that we must warn you that as the starship has been filed as missing with no signs of returning, it has been concluded that your husband, Captain James Tiberius Kirk along with his crew, we killed in action. We are sorry for your loss and please know that the federation is here to support you at this sad time.

Your Sincerely,
Admiral Alexander Marcus
Head of Starfleet

You could feel your world come crumbling could he be gone??? It wasn't possible...he said he'd come broke down in tears, how were you going to cope on your own??? You needed your husband...your baby would need its dad...Jim wouldn't just disappear like that...

*time skip because I am not our father*

3 years had passed since Jim had been pronounced dead...and since then, your life had gone down hill...after the letter, you'd become depressed, you were in a downward spiral and you couldn't climb out, you cried all the time and didn't sleep or eat properly and the worst part was, you lost the only family you had left, the only part of Jim you had left...your baby had been still felt like everyone you cared about was disappearing and you couldn't stop them, no matter how hard you tried. You never returned to your job at starfleet, it was just to painful, instead, you got a job as a receptionist for a technology company, it wasn't the best job in the world but it took your mind off your painful life. You were sitting at your desk when you heard the building door open. You looked up to see who was there and you felt like your eyes were deceiving you.



You instantly ran from behind your desk and into Jim's arms and you hugged each other tightly.

"I...I thought you were dead"

You could feel tears streaming down your face as you held your husband was him, it was really him.

"I know, I know...I'm so sorry you had to go though that"

"W...where have been???"

"The crew and I were captured and held prisoner by the klingons...the federation only managed to rescue us a few days ago"

"I've missed you so much"

"I've missed you too baby"

"Jim...I...I have to tell you something"


"I lost the baby..."

"Oh...(Y/N) shouldn't of had to go through that by yourself...I swear, I'm never, ever, leaving you again...I love you"

"I love you too"

After you were told that Jim was most likely dead...your world had been torn down...after losing your baby, you felt like you'd never be healed...but know that Jim was here, you had hope, hope that maybe one'd be back to being your old self...before you fell apart.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~ Clo X

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