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Here's another imagine. Requests are Open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you for over 1k reads on this book, it means a lot)


You were the nightshift navigator of the Enterprise, it was fun but the only problem was you never really got to see anyone, yes there were other night workers on the bridge but none of you ever talked to one another because you were all so busy. You couldn't exactly talk to people during the day because that's when you were asleep to prepare for the next night. You were part of the crew but sometimes you felt like you weren't, you always got lonely and being the youngest crew member didn't help either as everyone tended to ignore me or look down at me as if I wasn't qualified to be here.

When I entered the bridge I was met by the familiar faces of last night, I walked to my station and sat down, I was about to get to work when I realised there was a note on the control panel, on the envelope it simply said: To Nightshift Girl. I opened the note and it read:

To: Nightshift Girl

You probably don't know me but I'm the 'day shift' navigator. My name is Pavel Chekov, we've never actually met properly but I've seen you walking to you shift and I just wanted to let you know, I'd like to get to know you better. I understand if you don't want to know me, that's why I wrote this letter. If you want to talk then meet me in rec room 3 at 4.30pm, I understand that you usually rest during the day but you don't have to stay long, I just thought it would be nice to meet each other, especially since we appear to be the only 17 year olds on the ship, please think about it.

From: Pavel Chekov

*time skip brought to you by...get down!!!*

It is currently 4.00pm, I decided that I might as well go meet Pavel Chekov as it is an opportunity for me to get a friend on this very lonely journey, I put on my uniform and headed towards the rec room, when I got there I sat at one of the tables and waited, I got here a bit earlier than planned but i had no idea what Chekov looked like and since he knew what I looked like, it would be better for him to find me than me to struggle to find him.

At 4.25pm the door to the rec room opened and in walked a guy who looked about my age, he was quite cute I had to admit. He looked around the room and when his eyes met mine he instantly walked over, he sat down across from me.

"Hello, I'm Pavel."

He extended his hand towards me i shook his hand and introduced myself, I couldn't help but notice the adorable accent he had, we got to talking and turns out he's from Russia, we are both 17 and had some how managed to go to the same classes, graduate at the same time and not notice each other till boarding the enterprise. It was fun talking to someone who had the same interest as me, on earth all my friends were wanting to be engineers so when ever I talked about navigation they would all make a fuss and not pay attention till I gave up trying but with Pavel, he is engaged in what I say he understands and is interned in it. We talked and talked and talked until the alarm on my PADD went off, it was time for my shift to start. As I stood to leave so did Pavel, we walked outside the rec room and I turned to Pavel and without thinking I just kissed his lips, he didn't pull away, he encouraged the kiss. When we eventually pulled apart and said our goodbyes.

3 months on and Pavel is currently my boyfriend, we have been going out for 2 and a half months, we spend a few hours between our shifts with each other and leave each other messages at our desk to cheer each other up. I have applied to become the assistant navigator during the day, so that I will get to be will Pavel all the time and also maybe make more friends, I got a letter back saying that the current day navigator would have to approve me but I don't think that will be a problem. 😊😊😊


Hope you enjoyed it.

Request Open.

~Clo X

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