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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


"Shit!!! Bones help me!!!"

You ran and hid behind Leo. He was very confused but didn't question you because he honestly didn't want to know what you'd done this time. Bones got back to looking at his PADD with you huddled behind him when Sulu burst into the Medbay.

"Where is she???"

"Where's who???"

"(Y/N)!!! She threw my fencing swords out the airlock and now she has to pay!!!"

"Didn't you not share pages of her diary to the whole crew???"

"It was one wasn't the worst page in the diary"

"You read ALL of my diary?!"

"Ha!!! I knew you were protecting her never can trust the boyfriends"

"We're not discussing that said you'd only read the first part of my diary...I didn't know you read it all...there's private stuff in that"

"I know there is...lets just say I know a lot about the relationship you two are in"


"By the way (Y/N), try not to go into so much's kind of weird to read"

"That's it...I'm gonna get you Hikuru!!!"

You started to run forward while Sulu sprinted away, your plan was to go after him but you were stopped in your tracked you Leo's arms wrapped around your waist and prevented you from going anywhere.

"Leo!!! Let go of me"

"Not until you calm down Darlin' this state, I wouldn't put it past you to actually hurt Mr Sulu"

"But he read my whole diary Leo...I can let him get away with that"

"Well you already threw his most prized possession into the middle of space and if it makes you feel better, I can give him and extra hypo in his next medical exam"


You turned around in Leo's arms to face him and hugged him, he hugged you back.

"How did I get so lucky..."

"What do you mean Darlin'???"

"How did I get such an amazing boyfriend like you"

"Well I want to know how I got such an amazing girlfriend"

"We were made for each other"

"I couldn't agree more...I love you (Y/N)"

"I love you too Leo"

You leaned up and kissed really were one lucky girl, to get a boy like bones to love you...and keep you from seriously injuring someone.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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