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Here's another imagine. Requests are open.  Enjoy!!!


I was walking through the empty corridor of the enterprise when I heard something from the supply closet, I debated on whether or not to keep walking but curiosity got the better of my and I went over to the closet and opened it and when I did, I found my idiot of a brother, Jim, fighting with a mop.

"Jim, what the hell are you doing???"


"I right, you haven't cleaned anything in your what's the real story"

"Fine...I'm hiding"

"I guessed that much...from who???"

"Your deranged husband Bones"

"What have you done know"

"Why do you always assume that I did something"

"Because I know what your what did you do???'

"I may have sorta...well...I kind of, didn't turn up for my last 3 medical checks and now Bones is out for blood"

"Why have you not been going to your medicals???"

"Cause I know he'd give me a hypo and I really don't want to go through that torture again..."

You found yourself crying with laughter.

"Why are you laughing??? It's. it funny (Y/N)!!!"

"Oh but it is...Jim Kirk, Captain of the enterprise. The man who laughs in the face of danger, scared of a little hypo..."

"Shut up..."

"Oh god, I'm gonna go get Leo, this is gonna be hilarious"

"If you go get Bones then I'll send everyone that video of you on spring break..."

"You wouldn't..."

"Oh but I would dear, why don't you go and distract Bones and I'll stay here, keep him away from here and if he comes this way, let me know..."

"Your such an asshole sometimes...I hate you"

"And I love you to little sis, now off you go..."

I shut the door and returned to walking down the hall, I walked to my quarters and walked in to find Bones reading one of his medical books again.

"Hey Leo"

"Hey darlin'"

"What you doing here??? I would have thought that you'd be at work???"

"I thought I'd spend some time with my beautiful wife while she had the day off and I didn't have any patients"

"What's the real reason..."

"That is the real reason"

"Leo stop it...I know you too well, there is no chance that you'd willingly leave the Medway unless is was a medical spill"

"Okay fine...I'm looking for Jim and I thought that maybe he'd come here since you had the day off and your his sister after all"

"Can you not just leave him be, I mean it's just a couple Medicals, is it really that big a deal???"

"How did you know about the medicals???"

"Uhhh, you just said it...didn't you???"

"No...I only said I was looking for him, I didn't say did you know???"

"Oh...uhh...lucky guess???"

"Your hiding something..."

"No I'm not..."

"Yes you've spoke to him haven't you"


Leo by this point had stood up and now was walking towards me, I backed up until I hit a wall, Leo continued to walked forward till he was right I front of me, i avoided eye contact with him but he simply lifted my head to look into his eyes.

"Your a terrible when it comes to keeping secrets darlin'"

"I don't know what your talking about"

"Well then, if your not going to tell me willingly..."

And before I knew it, Leo's lips where on mine, kissing me passionately...i went to put my hands to his hair but he grabbed my wrists and pinned them to the wall, I was saddened when he broke this kiss and just stared at me because I was left wanting more.

"If you tell me where Jim is, we can do more than kiss"

"And if I don't???"

"Then I'll leave you like this..."

"Fine...he's in the supply closet down the hall"

"Now that wasn't so hard now was it???"

"Just shut up and kiss me already..."



Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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