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Here's another Bone's one. Hope you like it. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


Being a nurse on the enterprise can be stressful. When it gets busy, you barely have a moment to think. Today the ship was attacked in engineering, medbay was over flowing with injured redshirts. So far only 2 engineers had passed away but I have a funny feeling they wouldn't be the only 2 today. I was currently treating a broken leg, it was only broken in one place so it should heal easily. I finish applying a cast and sent the redshirt back to their quarters, normally I would keep them in medbay for a bit to check they are ok but their isn't enough room or time, I move on to the next patient.

Everyone stayed behind for 3 hours after their shifts ended and thankfully all the engineers were patched up and sent to their quarters to rest. You started to clean your station and when you were done you realised everyone had left, the only two people left where you and the CMO Bones.

"Never a moments piece is there Bones."

"Your telling me Darlin'."

We both just laughed. We both checked the equipment was all put away safely before we left and headed towards the cafeteria. We got our food from the replicator and sat at a table together. There was only a few other nurses in the hall with you two so it was fairly quiet.

"(Y/N), can I ask you something???"

"Sure, what's up???"

"Nest shore leave would you like to go on a date with me???"

A light blush started to appear on my cheeks, I always had a thing for Bones but never pursued it for fear of rejection.

"I'd love to."


I'll probably do a Part 2 of the date but for now I hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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