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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


We had never met, but I knew he was the one for me...a little over a year ago I met a guy online, I'm not the type of person to talk to strangers but I decided to give this guy a chance...I was glad I did. We had been chatting almost everyday and over time we grew a connection, you felt comfortable talking to this guy, you felt like you could be honest with him and didn't have to hide yourself. The next step for the two of you was to felt nervous yet at the same time excited. You were excited because today was the day you could meet the man of your dreams, your soulmate...but you were nervous in case things didn't turn out well.

The two of you had planned to meet in rec room 4...luckily the two of you were both on the enterprise otherwise their would have been no possible way for the two of you to meet since you were currently in deep space on a 5 years mission, with 3 years still to go. You hadn't told anyone about the meet-up, not even your best friend felt kind of bad for not telling him because you hated keeping secrets from him but you had your just didn't want to get your hopes up and tell everyone about your perfect match in case it wasn't love at first sight, you didn't think you would handle having to tell everyone else that, it didn't work out, so you kept it to yourself at least until the meeting had taken place.

You got to rec room 4 and no-one was could feel your heart beating like crazy so you took a seat and tried your best to stay calm. You checked your watch, you had planned to meet at 3pm, it was 3.04pm, you sat patiently and a few moments later, the door swung open and in walked...Pavel???

"Hey Pasha...what you doing here???"

"Oh hey (Y/N)...I'm juzt vaiting to meet zomevone..."

"Me too...who you waiting for???"

"Honeztly, I'm not zure..."

"Me neither..."

~in unison~
"Wait a minute..."

"Are you...95WizKid2???"

"Yeah...are you...(insert username)???"


Who would have thought that all along the boy of your dreams had been beside you the whole time. Within a few weeks of that encounter, you and Pavel started dating each other and things were going great...having been best friends for so long and getting to know each other online, you knew each other better, you know how to deal with each's the perfected equation for a successful relationship.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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