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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


As a nurse on the Enterprise you only need to know one thing, when Bones is angry stay out of his way unless you want your head bitten off. Unfortunately nobody told you this rule so on you first day in medbay you were treating a redshirt after they had been severely burned in engineering, you had gone to the supply closet to get bandages and a hypo and when you walked out someone ran into you, knocking you to the floor. You look up only to have your gaze met by Bones's, uh oh!!!

"Dammit woman!!! Learn to look where your going!!!"

The CMO just walked around you and left you on the floor, you could fell tears forming in your eyes, Carol Marcus came over to you and helped you up.

"Take no notice of him, he's just in one of his moods...I'm sure he didn't mean it."

You simply nodded and got back to treating the redshirt. For the rest of the day you managed to stay out of Bones path of destruction.

"Nurse (Y/L/N)...a word."

You around to see Bones standing in the doorframe to his office. As you walk towards his office you spot Carol, she mouths to you that everything would be ok, you hoped she was right. When you entered the office you shut the door behind you and sat down across from Bones. You felt scared about what was going to happen, you'd only just arrived on the ship and you were worried you were going to be kicked off of it. Leonard must have noticed how uneasy you were in the current situation.

"Relax Darlin', I'm not gonna shout at you again...I just wanted to apologies."

You relax a bit, he didn't seem that bad a person, at least he had realised what he had done, most people who had shouted at you would never take the time to apologies, they'd just try and forget it every happened.

"...I was stressed about a personal issue and I took it out on you and that was uncalled for. I hope you can forgive me."

"It's quite alright sir, it happens to everyone...I appreciate you apology."

You went to stand up and leave but Bones stopped you.

"Please call me Leonard, and I was wondering if you'd like to have a drink with me, we could celebrate your first day on the Enterprise."

"That would be lovely Leonard."

You sat back down while bones stood up and walked to his bookshelf, it was filled with a whole load of medical books. Bones reached in behind the books and pulled out a bottle of scotch, he then reach behind another section of books and pulled out two glasses, before returning to his seat.

"Found this stuff in Chekov's locker, he's the navigator of the ship, he's from Russia and I have to say I expected him to be a vodka man but apparently not."

He poured out two glasses and handed you one.

"A toast to your first day on this chaotic ship, cheers."


"So, apart from me being an ignorant idiot, how has your first day been?"

"It's been good, I've made friends and I feel I'm gonna live being here, I just love this ship, it's just so exciting."

"Remind me to introduce you to my friend Scotty, I feel like the two of you could be the best of friends."

*time skip brought to you by yes, do you have a towel???*

"...and so he has an allergic reaction to the hypos and is running around with giant hands and is unable to speak properly and so now every time he requires a hypo he runs like a prize stallion at the Derby."

You laugh along with bones as you exchange stories from you pasts.

"Thank you for staying (Y/N), is been really nice being able to just talk to someone who interested in what I say."

"I'm glad I did stay, it's been really fun hanging out with you Leonard."

You both stood up, Leonard went to get the door for you but as you started to walk out Leonard grabbed your wrist and spins you around and before you know it your kissing. His hands go to your hips to pull you closer to him while your hands go to his hair, the kiss deepens but is broken as captain coughs to get your attention, you just apart and stare at Kirk.

"Well look at that....bones actually managed to get a girl before I did."

"Dammit Jim, why is it when you have a physical you come nowhere near here but as soon as something in my life happens your always in medbay?!"

"No worries, i just came by to see if you wanted to get a drink but I'll let you get back to your girl...just remember to use protection."

With a smirk on his face, Jim ran out of the door. You had a slight blush on your cheeks at the captains comments, bones simply rolled his eyes and the took your hand. You walked hand in hand to your room and let's just say you took the captains advice and bones didn't leave till the next morning 😉😉😉.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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