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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


When you agreed to date Bones you always knew that his work would be a main priority for him, and you accepted that...but what you didn't expect was for medicine to become more of a priority that you. In the beginning of your relationship, you would go on dates, hold hands make each other laugh and enjoy one another company...but ever since the enterprise discovered more species with different methods of treatment, Leo has become distant, only wanting to perfect his methods of medicine and that hurt...the two of you nearly spoke and when you did, it was just about general things, like how the food replicator is's never about each other's days or feelings...but that was going to change today because you had a plan.

Tonight, the captain was having party to celebrate a successful mission, everyone was going to be there, including Leo, and so you were going to make bones remember that you existed on this ship, and that he needs to remember that the two of you are dating. The party started at 9pm and it was currently 7pm, that gave you 2 whole hours to perfect you look to get yourself noticed. You had a shower before getting dressed and doing your hair and make-up.

 You had a shower before getting dressed and doing your hair and make-up

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After you had finished getting ready, it was 8.50pm so you headed to the bridge, where the party was being held. You walked in and as you did, everyone seemed to turn their heads in your direction, looks like your plan was working because even Leo managed to notice the effect you had put in to impress. You ended up locking eyes with Bones but didn't go over to join him, instead you walked over to get a drink. As you did, an ensign came over to you.

"Hey there, I'm John...what's your name beautiful???"

"I'm (Y/N) what do you do on the enterprise???"

"I'm an engineer...what about you???"

"I'm a nurse..."

"Well then, I might be seeing you a lot more often...if the rumours are true"

"Somehow I don't think you will be seeing her at all kid"

Both you and the ensign turned to the voice that had joined the conversation and just like you was Leo.

"Aww come on man...we are just having a bit of fun...lighten up dude"

"Somehow when a guy says he's having a bit of fun with MY girlfriend...I don't feel like lightening up"

"Woah, listen man...I didn't know she was taken..."

" get out of here before I through you out the airlock..."

The ensign ran for his life and you couldn't help but laugh...a certain Doctor appeared to be jealous...your theory was proven when you turned to speak to Leo but you were met by his lips in a very passionate kiss. You simply kissed back, enjoying the had been that long since you and Leo last kissed like this, you almost forgot how wonderful it felt.

"Was someone jealous of a little ensign???"

"I wasn't jealous...the kid just needs to learn some boundaries"

"You were jealous..."

"I wasn't..."

"There's no point in denying it Leo...besides, it was hot"

"Oh was it now???"

"Yep...and anyway, why would I go for a kid when I have you...or at least when your not working"

"Listen, darlin'...I'm sorry, about working so much...I just lose track of time...but I love you so so much, and I promise...from now of, you are my number 1 priority"

"I love you too...even though I know you have ran out of new methods to study so you have no choice but to spend time with me"

"Okay, so maybe that's true...but I promise, no matter how many different medical methods come out...I will put you before it all"

"Aww Leo...that's one of the most romantic you've ever said to me..."

"I have my why don't we enjoy this party and later on I'll show you just how much you mean to me"

"I like the sound of that...😉😉😉"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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