Spock (Part 2)

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Here is Part 2 to the previous Spock imagine. Hope you like it. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


It was the hardest decision Spock had ever had to make, should he save you or save the crew??? Either option had their pros and cons but at he end of the day only one thing mattered...you. Spock had thought he'd never find love, accepting that it was out of his reach and then you came along and everything changed for him, you helped show him a better way of life. When he'd asked you to marry him and you said yes, he was over the moon that he'd found, the one...he couldn't just let you slip away from him, he would fight till the death to save you, you were his everything.

"So Mr Spock...what have you decided??? How much do you love your wife???"

"intimidation will serve you no benefit...my decision is to save my wife..."

"Wise decision...I know that together, our ships will rule..."

"I did not however, agree for the Enterprise to participate in such devilish acts"

"Then you will suffer the pain of me slaughtering your beloved (Y/N)"


"What are you doing???...she's gone...what have you done"

"You have obviously not studied well enough Kylo, for then you would have known that aboard the enterprise is one of the best engineers to date, he was able beam (Y/N) off of your ship to where she truly belongs...with me"

Spock turned to his side, where you stood...you instantly hugged him, how you'd missed him. You were so proud of how brave he had been in the whole situation, you knew it would have been hard for him. Kylo Ren ended up escaping the federation and no one has heard from him since, but when he returns, we'll be ready to take him down.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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