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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @cynthianad :Can you write which reader and Sulu is liking the same man and go all competitive that Kirk annoyed. Soon, the man is killed by Khan and you go ballistic. You go to the bridge exactly when Sulu threat Khan using torpedos And she falls for him *wink kisses

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 64k reads on this book ❤️❤️❤️)


"Just leave him alone Sulu, it's obvious that he's in love with me..."

"I think you'll find he's actually in love with me (Y/N)..."

"Oh my god!!! Do you to ever shut up...he loves he loves've been having the same argument for the last 2 months and I'm sick of it!!!"

"Sorry sir..."

"Yeah, sorry sir..."

"You should be, now if you to don't bridge is missing a pilot and my medbay is missing a doctor...know where I could find them???"

"We'll just go now sir..."


Me and Sulu left the cafeteria, I turned right while he turned left, he's so annoying. It's obvious that Mark likes me...he's always looking at me and smiling...sometimes he even compliments me on the way I've done my hair, now if that ain't love, then I don't know what is. I made it to the medbay and found all my colleagues rushing around...I grabbed hold of Bones to stop him.

"What's happening???"

"Khans gone riot, he's injured most of our security staff, we're trying our best to keep them alive but it's not likely, we've already lost one..."


"(Y/N), I'm so sorry but..."

"No, no, no..."

"It was Mark..."

I felt like crying my eyes out but I couldn't...I couldn't cry because my main emotion wasn't sadness, was anger. Anger for the fact that we trusted Khan to help us and he's done this...he's killed someone I love...well now he's gonna pay. I sprinted to the bridge, I was gonna talk to Khan and let him know that I was coming for him...and there was no way in hell that he was gonna stop me...I walked in the bridge but as soon as I walked in, I lost my train of thought as I saw Sulu in the Captain's chair.

"Attention John Harrison...this is Captain Hikuru Sulu of the USS Enterprise..."

I've never seen Sulu be so confident, I have to say it was very hot...oh god what am I saying...I'm supposed to hate Sulu...he was trying to steal Mark from me...but then again, Sulu is pretty good looking...

" have to minutes to confirm your compliance. Refusal to do so will result in your obliteration. If you test will fail"

Ok...I'm in love...I walked over to Sulu and did something I never expected to do...I kissed him, and what surprised me even more was the fact...he kissed back...we broke the kiss only to breath. I stared into Sulus eyes to get some sort of signal as to how he felt about me and all he said was...

"Oh my..."


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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