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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


Carol had just been beamed aboard her fathers ship, Admiral Marcus had planned to destroy the Enterprise but was stopped by Scotty just in time. Now you and Khan were being hurtled towards the enemy ship in order to save Carol and retrieve Scotty. Jim had first planned to go with Khan but you made him send you instead, you didn't want Jim to get hurt, you loved your boyfriend to much to put himself in that much danger. You on the other hand were head of security so you were used to danger, you knew that it was your job to protect the ship so that's what you were gonna do.

When you arrived on Marcus's ship, Khan lead you and Scotty in the direction of the bridge you ended up fighting some of the ships crew, after they were unconscious you looked around, Khan had disappeared. You and Scotty tried to find him but your were both completely lost, that was until Khan appeared behind you both.

"This way"

Before you reluctantly followed him, you told Scotty to stun him when they reached the bridge, you didn't trust Khan, especially since you had lost him for a while and he could have done anything in that time. When you entered the bridge, Scotty stunned Khan and kept an eye on him while you confronted the admiral, you checked Carol was ok and was taken aback when she shouted for you to look out, you were about to turn but was forced to the ground by Khan, his super strength prevented you from fighting him, he punch you, you were cut up and bruised, you could barely move, Khan got off you and walked over to Admiral Marcus, Carol stood in his way so he simply pushed her to the ground and stomped on her leg, it had definitely been broken, Khan then proceeded to crush the Admirals head, Carol let out a blood curdling scream while you looked in horror at the scene infront of you. Khan walked back over to you and pulled you up, he then hailed the Enterprise and soon you were staring at your boyfriend, you could see the pain in his eyes as he saw how broken you now were. In all the time as a security guard you had never been as terrified as you were in that moment.

"Ahhh, Captain Kirk, I believe I have something that belongs to you..."

He lifted you up by the neck, choking you in the process, Scotty tried to get up and help you but Khan swiftly kicked his head, knocking him out. Carol crawled as best she could over to him to check he was ok.

"Khan, please, I'll give you anything just don't hurt her"

With that Khan let go of your neck but held your arm tightly instead.

"Given me the torpedoes"

"We don't have transport beaming capabilities"

"Lucky for you mine is perfectly functional, so I'll give you your crew for my crew, just lower your shields or I'll crush her pretty little head"

"Mr Sulu...lower shields"

"Wise choice Captain"

The torpedoes were beamed aboard the ship, Khan then beamed Scotty and Carol over to the Enterprise, but left you still in his grasp.

"Khan!!! We had a deal, I give you your crew, you give me still have one of my crew"

"Oh yes, how forgetful of me"

Light then started to appear around you, your vision went white until you see the bridge of the enterprise only your not on the floor, your on the drop down and cry in pain as you land hard on your legs...your in agony, it feels as if you have broken an ankle or something. Jim runs over to you and instantly hugs you.

"(Y/N)!!! I thought I'd lost you are never going on a mission like that unless I'm with you ok??? That's an order"

You laugh at how cute he's being but wince in pain, you rib may be broken from Khan punching you. Kirk notices your pain and lifts you into his arms, he carefully runs down to the medbay, when you arrive he places you on a bed, then as bones is trying to fix you, you see a whole load of cryo-tubes.

"Is that khans crew???"

"Yeah, it is...which reminds me *takes communicator out* Mr Spock, detonate the torpedoes"

*ship wide broadcast*
"All enterprise crew, prepare for close range impact"

The ship, shock violently,you groaned in pain at the sudden movement, Kirk kissed your head.

"Don't worry (Y/N)... Your gonna be ok."



"I love you"

"I love you too"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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