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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(Puppy Update: he's been sick again but not as bad as last time, my step-dad said not to worry so I'm trying not to)


Christmas is a busy time of year for everyone. Having to buy presents for loved ones that they will love, then finding time to wrap them all while organising who's coming over for dinner and where your's stressful, and that's not even Christmas Day.

On the day itself, you get up at the earliest of hours, not even because you have children but because deep down there's a child within you refusing to sleep. Then you open your gifts and you think it's calm but then you look at the clock and you have people coming over in a few hours so you start cooking the food but then you have to get dressed up and before you know it, the guest had arrived and your wanting to cry, but the chaos doesn't end there because the next day, you have to get ready to go to your in laws house...oh dear...

After that's all over, you think your safe, but your not...because within a few days, you have New Year's Day and you go through the process of planning where you'll be at midnight and you stay up till the early hours of the morning for no apparent reason and you just want to sleep.

This had been what you December had been like and you couldn't of been happier than when, on January 1st, you climbed into bed ready to'd made it, it was over....finally.

"Well that was tiring..."

"Your telling me darling..."

"You wanna know the worst part..."


"We have work on the 2nd..."

"Damn Jim and his annoying schedules...seriously, can't he let a man sleep off a hard time"

"Apparently shut up, your eating into my sleep time"

"Sorry...goodnight darlin', i love you"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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